Anything and everything, ask me!
Friends for sure and go from there, but maybe one day i'll manage to meet a decent guy that's got his shit together and knows what he wants and maybe that will be me! Until then i'll continue to better myself and grow as a person.
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Oh wait just to be different... no wait i'm different enough.. anything and everything just ask me! lol
Family guy and the list just grows from there, anything from documentaries to full out porn, lol gotta keep it real!
Um since i'm too busy building things for school and designing to do anything else i don't reas much, but anything by Roald Dahl, cause its classic if u get it, and hmm... i dunno just a real good book.
My parents for being the pioneers of the new age, anyone who knows them knows what i'm talking about and how crazy kewl they are. Otherwise there are various people i look to for different inspiration, but my parents top the list for sure.