Raizing Hell
I would love to meet jaws the robot shark, every beautiful girl in the world, any type of dinosaur, Hunter S. Thompson, The creators of "Are you afraid of the Dark ?", Rivers from Weezer, bigfoot, a life-size hot pocket...then eat it, I dont really know...I guess King Kong, Jason Vorhees,
Ted Turner, more beautiful women, The King of Beers, The entire Saved by the Bell Cast and all the lovely animals that raised me when I fell out of the sky into the forest and began my life on this planet...yup.smile,
There is a part of me that's always sixteen
I've found the secret of eternal youth
Some get high on life or money, but there's an
Escape, drop out of the race.
- To walk through the world by ones self, you can't be
Protected... your trust is in whiskey and weed and
Black Sabbath - It's Goddamn ElectricDon't waste your time, embrace it
And then you'll know yourself
The change in you is Goddamn ElectricThe weight of the world has lifted and parted
My eyes roll blind to sights that distracted
Through tunnel-vision and dope-hair blinders
I'll cut a path and evoke my will
- To walk through the world by ones self, you can't
Be protected... your trust is in whiskey and weed
And Slayer, it's Goddamn ElectricDon't fake your life - inhale it
And then you'll know yourself
The change in you is Goddamn Electric
Don't waste your time, embrace it
Annd then you'll know yourself
The change that is Goddamn Electric will focus
The Mind's Eye...One hand on the bottle, the other a shaking
Fist, rejuvinated, isolated, no pressure
From the outside, my sight's Goddamn Electric
And these eyes have seen a world
Goddamn Electric system...
Conan the Barbarian, Return of the living dead, Day of the dead, Evil dead2,Velvet goldmine, Fast times..Tommy, Jaws, Dawn of the dead, The lost Boyz, 28 dayz la8er,The Family Man, Valley Girl, Fright night,The Rivers Edge, Rules of attraction, U-turn, Spinal- Tap, My Bloody Valentine, Matchstick men, Monster Sqaud, Deep throat Island, The Punisher ( original and the remake ), American Psycho, 976-evil, escape from LA and New York, Little Monsters, Beetlejuice, Drop dead Fred, Big Fish, batman, Edward Scissor Hands, DeadAlive, Army of Darkness, The Howling, Night of The Creeps, buffalo 66, .....blah blah
I love TV ...Oh yea.
can't read...sux