traci profile picture


google kittens

About Me

i love life. i love my friends. i love dancing. i also love making terrible decisions and acting without thinking. im way too honest and seeing chicken bones on the ground makes me cry.

My Interests

dancing, bikes, sewing,reading, adventures and friends

I'd like to meet:

amy, because we never get to see each other. or someone who can convince amy's boss to let her work less, or give me a job at the shop so we can be together.


world/inferno friendship society, galactic heros, suburban kids...the smiths, billy joel, rise against, the explosion, soilent green, the bled, talking heads, david bowie, iggy pop


united states of leleand, prey for rock and roll, the blob, deathrace 2000,so i married an axe murderer


i don't really watch tv anymore, which is a good thing. when i have cable, i will watch tv for hours on end.


someone donate books to me to read, i owe the library way too much money.


my neighboor who with one leg who rides his bike up the hill.