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BURY THE GIRL, began in 2003 when guitarist Ben Schmidt and drummer Mike Rochelle teamed up with bassist Philip McCuddy. While the band's name may seem abrasive towards women, the band is actually quite the opposite. Since much of the music which has been written is relationship based, and whether the rollercoaster ride is good or bad, a song usually develops in which many of us can "feel the pain", so to speak, when that ride comes to an end, and it is time to "bury" the feelings developed towards the lost love. Catchy, Dark and very Melodic, however, not all of the songs revolve around love, but are written with realistic content and feeling, which they tend to capture real moods that we all have felt before, making it easy to identify with at least one of their diverse songs. They have played numerous shows across Montana and Wyoming including Rockin' the Rivers Fesival 2004, featuring Great White, Jackyl, Seven Mary Three, Gin Blossoms and others, and one of the most common statements about the band is that people like the way that you can tell it's the same band, but every song is very different from each other, which sets them apart from many bands out there today. With fans of all ages and backgrounds, their music isn't directed at a cross-section of the population - it's to the heart, from the heart. It's hard hitting music for people who love music. Sound too good to be true? Give them a listen- you won't be disappointed.