AIREN!!! learning crap, other peoples buisiness, your face div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; visibility:visible; margin-right: auto;
God, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Thor, King Arthur(alien), Gandhi, Satan, Marlin Brando, Pamela Anderson(naked), Shaun Connery, Ian Assberry, Jim Horrison, Her majesty the Queen, Elvis the early one, Marilyn Manhoe, My dad na, in fact I would like to meet less, and less people every day,I'm just kiddin, but wear a condom, or get birth control.
bull shit musicaproductions .
Horror, comedy, drama, suspense, non-crappy films.
thats none of your buisiness and I would prefer you stay out of my personal affairs
(How to tie knots good)
non-pieces of crap..