shrimp, Ewoks, smoking weed and climbing trees, bike adventures, smoking weed and walkin in the woods/on the beach
Gwig, Mookie, Wicket, Logray, Paploo, Nippet, Kneesha, Deej, Chuka Trok, Kaink, Wiley, Deej, RICHARD HEFTER
50 Cent rapping with honey in his mouth, Elliot Smith singing to a shrimp...the songs that Wicket plays for me as we stroll through the woods hand in paw
Dweebin Around in a Pink Cadillac, The Ewok Adventure, Battle for Endor, Light Years, Munchie Strikes back, Buttercream Gang, Mrs Doubtfire, Fantastic Planet, Dark Crystal, STAR WARS AND JURASSIC PARK!!!!!Batman Returns, Supergirl,
Doug, Sesame Street, letter people, letterman, seinfeld, the sunshine factory,and by far the most important AFV!!!!!
Communion, The Strawberry Library, Spirit Molecule, I really like philosophical sci fi
Aldous Huxley, Timmy Leary, Terrence Mckenna, Whitley Streiber, Tex Avery, Robert Crumb, Philip K Dick, Rick Strassman, George Harrison, Ben Jones, any aliens in the cantina or Jabba's dungeon scenes, RICK GRIFFIN!