Check me out!hEy...tHis bE uR gUrL ♥bRittaNy♥...iMa boUt 2 bE 19 oN jUne 9th...yEs i aM a ♥gEmiNi♥...TherEs nOt mUCh 2 knOw boUt mE...i loVe 2 liVe eveRydAy aS iF iT wErE my lAst....i love to party...gEt dRunK n Go bOwLin....hiT thE sTriP eVerY noW N thEn...mY tWo bEst FriEnDs aRe KriSta N mEliSSa....i loVe TheSe gIrLs...mEliSSa juS hAd hEr bAby N nOw KriSta iS pRegNanT....So nOw iM aUnTiE...aNd iM sO eXciTeD... love mAc N cHeeSe...oNly iF iTs vElvEtA oR hOmeAde...and sum cAp n' cRunCh...i i aBsOluTLy lOvE cHicKeN..and dOnt ForgEt sUm cHocoLaTe cHiP cOOkiE dOuGh iCe CreAm...anD wEll thErE iS a Lot mOrE....bUt Too MucH tOO tEll...im Very laiD baCk..aNd 4 thE moSt pArT geT aLonG wiT mOsTly eveRybOdy...i Aint bOut thAt buLLshiT..i BeeN thRu tOO muCh 2 bE pLayIn gAmEs thEse daYs...i wAna fiNd thAt 1 spEcial pErsOn wHo wOulD tReaT me thE waY i deSerVe 2 bE trEatEd...iM tirEd oF aLL thE lieS anD sEcreTs aNd bUllshiT...buT beSidEs aLL thAt iF u wAna kNow mOre...jus hiT mE uP...
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******RDB 4eVa biTcHeS.....yaLL aiNt knO sHiT boUt ThaT.....*****I LoVe U gUyS...KriSta, CaSSiE, N mELiSSa...
shoandtelcomments.comyEaH....mY bEsT FriEnD iS pReGnAnT...aNd mY oTheR bEsT FriEnD iS a mOmmY nOw Too...yEaH iM aN aUnTiE!!!!
..HaiLeY....AunTie BriTTanY, AunTie KrisTa, N mOmmY LoVe U....LiCk...SwaLLoW...SuCk...
♥♥♥♥♥♥i wAna FinD sUm1 wHo mAkeS mE hAppY..thAts aLL..... ♥♥♥♥♥♥I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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uMMM....i like all kinds of music...
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Click here to make Falling Objects ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
ummm i really don't have a favorite...my all time favorite since i was little tho...i would definetly say is SPACE JAM!!!
I watch everything!!
Umm Yea....doEs thE sPorts pAgE oF the neWs pApeR cOunT?....oH yEa....waT bOut mySpAce? i rEad shiT oN mySpaCe aLL thE tiMe...lol
Probably my Dad, but if it wasn't for my sister, Cassie, I don't think I would be the person I am today. And I can't forget my brother, Nick, and my sister, Pearl...you guys are the best!!!! And also my mom....she's been through a lot...she's a very strong woman...and ...oh yea...all the guys that have fucked me over in the past...i do have to say....because of them...i am a stronger person....sounds kinda gay but its true...