Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0Welcome , My Name is John Earl Watley III. I was born in Chicago with my younger sister Jody Watley. We grew up there for a short time..then moved
around America alot due to the fact our father was a Minister that travelled
alot. While in Chicago in his Chruch...he had friends that would come and sing in his chruch...People like...Sam Cook....Bobby Womack...Billy Preston..
The Staple Singer...Aretha Franklin...and the list goes on and on. For Jody
and Myself it was our inspiration. Our Mom used to take us to Live show
theater..s....Like the famed Regal Theater in Chicago....The Apollo in New York.... The Howard in Washington D.C. As kids seen some of the
most talented people perform had to rub off on us some kind of way.
For Jody.....She Earned a Grammy Award....some thing u cannot get on this
myspace. So she goes down in the music history book. And still thrilling people around the world with her LIVE Performances Im Very proud of her.
For me......... Im a Music Producer and a Composer and to top all that off...... I am Ceo of my Own Music Label.....KyoTown Corporation , created in
Asia....I have Japanese singer..s ...and Korean Singer..s....and Asian American singer..s...people that were my Vocal Lesson Students. I trained
them to be the the field of Pop and R+B....also Rap.....and Live performance. I also produce and play all types of Music......................
Since being on Myspace I can..t tell u how many times been Deleted by
some unknown force to try and stop my effort to Succeed with my Singer..s
in Japan....its Amuzing to me ! Because I come right back on here. But my
real goal is to see my Artist or Students go on to be respected by the World
Music listsener..s. Asian..s sports....are in Movie..s and Televsion...
in America...but have not matched other..s in America or Europe with there
Singing. And believe me...there are some Asian..s that can sing just as well
or better than some people I see or hear from America these days. Music
is not the same...its takin a turn for the worst I think. And sometimes here
on Myspace...Artist find out Cheat codes for their Mp3 player..s to Jack up
the try and give the false pretense that being listened to
by 10..s of thousands ...everyday ! LOL ! Which is a joke...Music doesnt
get played on Radio or sell like that in Music Store..s all over the world Combined. And I suppose thats why Myspace and the Corporate interest
fool with the Mp3..s ..or pages get Hacked. I don..t put anything past the
record companies..especially that they are losing money these days...The
way to go now days is selling OIL....LOL ! Anyway... as I said Im here to be
a player in the declining Music industry.....One thing I do know is....Live Performance is where the real Money is !!! Exodus....Dedicated to my father as a child I remember he used to listen Exodus......I perform and play real music sounds.......PRINCE and Andre Cymone.... Jimmy Jam ...Terry Lewis.. thank u for the Vibe..... of the ART.... And to my little
Sister JODY.....thank u for all that u have done for me in the past, Our famliy history and your climb to Success is one for the books and a movie !