This is me as Rey profile picture

This is me as Rey


About Me

I'm optimistic To know me is not simple, you cant know everything by just reading this words you read…the words I have written is not only words for you, but for me, I stand by my word and I keep it because that's what makes of who I am…I am for the actions I make, the sacrifices I take and the unnoticed things that I have done, but someday it will be recognized as the good deeds I have accomplished…I am just a man…I feel pain when I get hurt…I will get angry when my buttons are pushed…It temps me to commit, when pleasure is around…I make mistakes but still learn from what I have done…I fall but rises up again…I face challenges in life but it doesn’t bring me down…I get nightmares at random nights concerning my love ones and I care about…I feel comfortable when someone special is around…I rest when I get tired…I do things because its fun…I laugh when I find something hilarious… I eat when I get hungry…I have friends that I cherish and wishes to keep…I sleep and dream about fantasies and incredible things that I wish I own or have…I live life just to see how unfair it is to me and everyone else but we try to get every bit of whats good from it…I am just a man that has a goal in life that has it in his own hand to make decisions and pick a choice that will lead me to what I seek…but don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly you, but that’s who I am and NOBODY can change me unless I choose too… - Custom Extended Network Images
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My Interests



PUNK/ METAL/ HARDCORE/Open for any type of music...


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Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,StarGirl, A long way gone, Dark Fortress, and other books that excite me and don't put me into deep sleep unless needed.


For those who sacrifice their own happiness for others, For those who don't get the credit they deserve and just keeps it to them self and stays quiet. For the guys who treat their mother, girlfriend, and other female friends with respect and love, For the people that fights in war and dies for us, For the girls that love their man faithfully and treats them right because having a girl in a mans life brings us so much (hugs & kisses) And for the people that chooses the right things instead of your own pleasure , I, Rey Gonzales Thank You for making our world a better place.

My Blog

Point of no return

CHAP II walk down the street.There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I fall in.I am lost--I am helpless00it isn't my fault...It takes forever to finda a way out.CHAP III walk down the same street.T...
Posted by This is me as Rey on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 12:44:00 PST


What have I done lately?    I did the unthinkable, proven, experience the pain, felt the pressure, seen myself, got my life slap me in the face, pleasure, loved, understood, forgiven, a...
Posted by This is me as Rey on Mon, 28 May 2007 11:00:00 PST


I apologize to MYfAn...COO got excited when he got KIE's flip message and just ended the story...BUT YEAH...the book got me really wow...WOW! I can't believe it ended that way...=(...s...
Posted by This is me as Rey on Sun, 27 May 2007 08:39:00 PST

pagod is pretty interesting..firstday of no class..emergency cover/favor today...3 hours..then I impress my manager's cool is that..after work I saw nmx,bnz,KIE(i'm notsureifshestil...
Posted by This is me as Rey on Wed, 16 May 2007 09:53:00 PST

Finaly Finals is over.

Today I finaly got out of the finals pressure. It wasn't much but i'm glad its over. So anyway's my day was not that great but as I go to your myspace, I saw the full of greatfull things in it. The st...
Posted by This is me as Rey on Tue, 15 May 2007 09:02:00 PST


I see that you put a stop sign for you comment box and message. i'm sorry if im making it harder for you.
Posted by This is me as Rey on Mon, 14 May 2007 08:59:00 PST


Thank you so much for your paramdam. Kahit na nahirapan ka kasi sa consenya mo na dapat hindi mo puedeng kausapin ako. Hindi mo naman ako kinauusap eh. Nagparadam lang. Hindi parin ako nag give up say...
Posted by This is me as Rey on Mon, 14 May 2007 08:21:00 PST


What does nmx means?news mixed?
Posted by This is me as Rey on Mon, 14 May 2007 07:28:00 PST


Posted by This is me as Rey on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:06:00 PST

GO PAQuiao

Ha thats philippinos we have prove it again that flips can fight, we showed those mexicans.....O YEA!!!!!!!!!11
Posted by This is me as Rey on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 11:57:00 PST