Promoting a sustainable way of life. "Saving the world" if you ask any of my much missed friends in FL. It was the only reason they would let me leave.
ARTISTS WHO WOULD LIKE TO JOIN** InVision: Artists for Alternative Energy**. Old friends or new. People who know anything about: ALGAE, Biodiesel, Commodities, Futures, Ethanol, Butanol, Willow, Carbon Trading, Music, Organic Chemistry, Solar, Wind, Event Planner (music concert), Biomass, Biomimicricy, Farming, Soy, Mustard, Canola, Jatropha, Palm, Coconut, wheat grass, fiddle, violin, guitar, microbiology, phycology (yes I spelled that right)
MY DAD, Becky, Jimmy and Ryan Fitzsimmons. Emilie Weinheimer
Discover, science, national geographic
Natural Capitalism
My Dad