..*.. saKtoNg cHiLL oUt ..*.. boOze ..*.. cLubbiNg ..*.. pinK ..*.. NBa LiVe ..*.. siOmai ..*.. iSaw sA mAhabS ..*.. sTarBucKs ..*.. "tiM hoRtons" ..*.. CHEESES ..*.. sLeepinG ..*.. biLLiarDs ..*.. icE mOnsTer ..*.. choCoLates ..*.. apPle piEs ..*.. manGo cReaM piE ..*.. miLk ..*.. piCturEs ..*.. fRencH fRies ..*.. geLato ..*.. suShi ..*.. saShimi ..*.. vieTnameSe foOd!!! ..*.. chinEse foOd ..*.. jaPaneSe foOd ..*.. DROP ZONE ..*.. pokeR ..*.. cOroNa ..*.. RED HORSE ..*.. sitting along the beachside while drinking (this is life..) ..*..
..*.. aLterNative ..*.. soFt rock ..*.. paRokya ni edgar ..*.. reGgae ..*.. kanYe weSt ..*.. seAn pAuL ..*..
..*.. thE iTaLian jOb ..*.. faSt anD thE fuRiouS ..*.. gLadiAtoR ..*.. thE paTrioT..*.. miGhtY duCks (aLL tHree oF thEm) ..*.. fAcE oFF ..*.. sChOoL of RoCk ..*.. yOu gOt SerVed ..*.. haRRy pOtteR ..*.. hiTch ..*.. tHe noTeboOk ..*..mY saSsY giRL..*.. THE LONGEST YARD..*..
..*.. eveRybody loVes raYmond ..*.. boy meets worLd ..*.. smallville ..*.. csi ..*.. alias ..*.. f.r.i.e.n.d.s ..*.. oNe TreE hiLL ..*.. -- :D..*.. tska anYthinG na maY pagKain!!!!..*..~24~ (sEasons 1, 2 & 3 this show is sooo addictinG!)..*..
..*.. harry potter ..*.. love story ..*..
..*.. my FAMILY..*.. relatives ..*.. fRienDs ..*.. WINDANG friends ..*.. I LOVE THEM ALL!!