Which one do you think best describes me???
A mbitious
N oisy
D irty
R espectable
E litist
W ired
A stounding
N ormal
D elicate
R esponsible
U nforgettable
D elicious
R efined
U nreal
***Fresh Prince Theme***
Now this is a story all about Dru
He’s been flossin’ his steeze since he was two
I’d like to take a minute, dun mean to be rude
Gotta give you more shiet on this slick-a§§ duuude
In ‘ssauga on the East siiide – born ‘n raised!!!
On the streets with his clique he spent mosta his days
Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool
Crackin’ jokes ‘bout every other kid in his skool
All of a sudden his dad gets a call, outta the blue
About a job offer on the west coast – that ain’t cool!!!
It came time for a decision, and so the fam moved down
To VanCity – or now RICHmond where his new life was found
He was expecting lotsa rain and a sky full of clouds
But was quickly overwhelmed by the Asian crowds
Ain’t complaining he digs all chix, especially those Asian ones
Prawly why he goes for a§§ instead of those huge guns
He works in the Stock Market, and on his sweet car
Luvs to eat, dance, and sing or jam on his guitar
That’s about it – I think? You say these rhymes are weak
Ha! You’re the fool who spent a whole minute reading this, GEEK!!!