*A Beautiful Disaster* profile picture

*A Beautiful Disaster*

If i had my way id crush ur face in the door!!

About Me

MY LIKES: *Whole nut *My friends*Drummers *Purple things *Being in love *Bam Margera/Gerard Way/Ville Valo *Music *STRWBERRY MILKSHAKE *Laughing *Drinking Tea *Piercings *Tattoos...Mine:*Laying in bed and listening to the rain outside *Purple Tulips *Learning languages (HAHA) *Bracelets *Being NAKED *Ameretto *Guys who wear eyeliner *Picnics *Day-time drinking *Buying underwear *My Dirtyness...Its all about the sex with me apparently!! *Hugs & Kisses *Spending all night talking on the phone to someoneMY DISLIKES: *Chavs *Early Mornings *Rude Germans *Cats *Rain...unless in running in it! *Feet-touch mine and DIE!! *Whipped cream *People who add u as a friend and NEVER talk to you! *Velvet-its makes me cringe to touch *Judgemental people *Being such a clutz

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My Interests

Big fan of sleep...this is due to me never getting any so i suppose its not really a hobby!! food definately a close second...whole nut rules! Also recently discovered white chocolate twix...Yummy :-D Love my music-always trying to get to as many gigs as possible!!! Addicted to getting pierced and tattooed...have about 3more designs i want before il be happy! Always shopping...have a unhealthy addiction to buying bags-dont dare to count how many, and underwear-finally filled up my drawer at uni which i thought was the biggest drawer in the world!haha. I am a student so its only fair to mention alcohol as a big interest of mine...Seem to have built up a close relationship with Ameretto in the last year or so...plus in germany its like 2.50 a bottle-cant argue with that :D And thats about it...nothing too interesting, trying to get back into my sport heading down to the swimming pool whenever i can, also play badminton at uni and go spinning :o) Like practicing my languages and am determined to become fluent in German-just got back from living there for a year!! want to learn french or spanish next!

I'd like to meet:

My main lady is Gwen: People who can speak german...im in dire need of improving my skills!!! Also...Bam Margera& Gerard Way...MMmmmmmm!!!!! But they're not 'real' people so anyone who wants to talk to me and isnt just going to add me and then never message me...god i hate those people!! SO....MESSAGE ME BEFORE ADDING ME PLEASE!!!! ...and if ur 1/2 naked in all ur pics dont bother...i dont like poser's and im not gonna help ur low selfesteem problems by telling u how 'hot' u are!!!


Plain white T's, Mars Volta, emanuel, Bullet for my valentine, Juliette Lewis and the licks,Billy Talent,18 visions, Artic monkeys, Death cab for cutie, the sounds, COHEED AND CAMBRIA, FAll out boy, SIA, Jack Johnson, Placebo, Trivium, Hard Fi, N.E.R.D, killswitch engage, my chemical romance, 36crazy fists, The Killers, Muse, Rival Schools, HIM, Incubus, bloc party, CITY AND COLOUR, Bjork, Starsailor, Funeral for a Friend, Hope of the state, Keane, Avenged Sevenfold, Alanis Morrisette, Embrace, Skin, Skunk Anansie, Kasier Chiefs, The Used, No Doubt, The Futurheads etc, etc...theres just too many!!!


Ummm....well ive been going through a stage where i cant even sit through a whole film, always get pre-occupied or fall asleep!!!! Haggard is like my comfort film-always cheers me up and makes me giggle!! Big fan of Back to the Future trilogy, Con-Air, The Lost Boys (probably all time childhood favourite), Gone in 60 Seconds...do love Nicolas Cage for some strange reason so anything with him in (except adaptation which was shite!!!! & lets no forget the ledgend that is Adam Sandler-50 first dates/the waterboy/the wedding singer!! I do cry easily in flims (im such a girl)! Team America, Ricky Gevais-animals, classics like labryinth & drop dead fred. Love the newest Harry Potter...cried my eyes out!haha


SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!!!!!!! Family guy. Scrubs. CSI.


I love to read-have read so many cant think of any to write. Would definately recommend Self by Yann Martel and anything by Ian McEwan. The Harry Potter books, P.J Tracey Books, I know everyones saying it but the Da Vinci code by Dan Brown really is a good book, as are his others! Love autobiography's...the Anthony Kedis one is good! Read most things as long as its not soppy girlie crap!!!


Dont have any...that way they'll never let me down!!!

My Blog

Scabby tats and sun tan!!

Well, its been a while...but im back with some free time to waste on myspace!!!so....oh how things have changed in like a week......im browner due to a week of 25-29degrees in Mainz...love it!!!im als...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Sat, 13 May 2006 02:56:00 PST


Isnt it strange how the sun can bring that out in you!! We've only had it for a few days now but its as hot as British summer time and its lovely!! we had a bbq down by the river on this little island...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 08:40:00 PST

Frohes Ostern

So....its been a while seen i wrote a blog and im trying to distract myself from MORE reading so thought id update :o) Its easter weeknd....meant to be exciting-4day weekend and all but no so interest...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 10:31:00 PST

mojioto party

Last night we hosted a mojito party in Mainz.....much fun-the most enjoyable for me is was spending hours in the supermarket and spending 200 euros on booze!!HAHA...needless to say we were all wasted ...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:07:00 PST

look out Mainz...im here to corrupt u... :-P

so ive been in Mainz a week and already been a bad girl getting naked and snogging 1/2 my work colleges...of dear!!! Here;s the pics..... Ines, Aga & me Sebastian and Jan The girls Jan & M...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 12:09:00 PST

First day!!!

So..today was my first day of working for Opel and i have to say i was shitting it...big time!!! thought they'd come at me with all this german i wouldnt understand and id look like a real prick!!! Lu...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:05:00 PST

Whats happened to me????

Feeling rather tender again today after drinks with my friends (yes i still have 2left in berlin-yah!...1after today) and im left wondering what the hell has happened to me...i used to be fine the mor...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 12:47:00 PST

Saying goodbye

So...its been leaving weekend in Bristol and how eventful its been! Starting with me becoming the typical alcoholic type and having a few too many...ok that an understantement....i fucking drank a gal...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 09:10:00 PST


Just a few pics from my fabulous holiday in Italy :o) The tower.... (Pisa...obviously) Me and Gina with our yummy Italien ice cream! (Florence) Some dodgy gay looking statue that made me laugh...is ...
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 05:34:00 PST

Death Cab

Saw Death cab lastnite and oh my god they were amazing :o) ...Thats all i have to say really....go and see them if u want to be blown away!!!!!
Posted by *A Beautiful Disaster* on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 03:45:00 PST