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I'd like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, as some minor, insignificant preamble to s

About Me

Free Pre Made Myspace Layouts She's as strong as a mountain. She's as safe as a house. Crazy as a monkey. Quiet as a mouse. She can make up her mind. Stop on a dime. Go from zero to sixty.

My Interests

my interests range from traveling to see as many shows as possible, photographing my experiences, meeting kind, interesting people along the way, dancing with friendly faces, chilling at home and watching a good movie, and anything that gets the creative juices flowin'.

I'd like to meet:

anyone who makes me laugh, think, dance, discover, question, love


moe., the grateful dead, phish, blues traveler, tom petty, paul westerberg, wilco, big head todd, dylan, social distortion, the clash, the cure, jesus and mary chain, fun lovin' criminals, beastie boys, beatles, george harrison, jack johnson, jeff buckley, big audio dynamite, elvis costello, the replacements, counting crows, indigo girls, michael franti and spearhead, the jayhawks, pearl jam, bob marley, blind melon, nirvana, sublime, mana, pink floyd, csny, willie nelson, james taylor, zeppelin, janis, nina simone, carole king, alison krauss, nanci griffith, nick drake, al and the transamericans, alt-rock, progressive, rockabilly, southern rock, new grass...anything that makes me feel...anything that makes me dance


dazed and confused, clerks, where the day takes you, over the edge, singles, dogma, reservoir dogs, so i married an axe murderer, zoolander, best in show, gone with the wind, half baked, step into liquid, sid and nancy, the warriors, the birds, festival express, the songcatcher, the commitments, swing kids, hairspray, bubble boy, almost famous, pretty much anything by kevin smith, quentin tarantino, farrelly brothers, coens, ben stiller, cameron crowe, hitchcock, christopher guest, john waters, john hughes....this is for starters, way too many


law and order (in every incarnation), degrassi, family guy,new adventures of old christine, documentaries, alot of pbs...whatever i can get on my rabbit-ears. when i can get near cable project runway, kids in the hall(love those canadians), abfab, miami ink


harry the dirty dog, the little house, little house series, richard scarry are my earliest reading memories so it's only fair i mention them. beverly cleary, judy blume, mary norton, marquerite henry, the borrowers and elfquest comics were favorites as a kid. the writings of j.k. rowling, stephen king, charles bukowski, ray bradbury, rimbaud,gone with the wind, the passion of mary magdalene, roots, clan of the cave bear, the kite runner, vanity fair..i read just about anything i can get my hands on...i mostly get photography books these days


my parents, my friends, my brothers, my extended as it is... people who strive to be a positive influence in this crazy world...those who make a difference...anyone who makes me want to be a better person