I'm rad, you're rad; let's hug. My name is Hailey, I'm 16 years old, I am a sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High School, I live for Drake, my friends and music, and sometimes I eat burritos.
I don't believe in the word "impossible".
I have the raddest boyfriend in the world <[b>Drake]. I love him more than anything and would be completely lost without him. He's become everything to me. He's crazy awesome. One of my best friends, Barnett C. Rackovan, has left. "I'll be where I am." That's what he said. I shall miss him with all my heart. I'm obsessed with Demetri Martin, vampires, penguins, llamas, and pomegranates. I'm a proud crew member of the Iron Turd. lol. It's a ship run by Captain Steve. Then there's First Mate Brad (or Dale), Corporal Drake I hate it when people call me "emo". I'm too happy to be "emo". I only use shampoo and conditioner that say right on the bottle that they haven't been tested on animals. I'm overall a friendly person. But I am lacking the outgoing trait. A lot. I'm an extremely random person. My SN is airwavesxanatomy I want all of my friends to know that I love them more than life. And to those of you in NC: I miss you so much I may go insane! Anyway, I have one thing to say to you all...:Release your inner dork. Life's too short to be cool.
RhondileYvonneKeith is the DAREST person EVER!
the end.Chatting With Joey On Chatango:
- frikinxhailey (10:31:02 PM): =D
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:31:05 PM): Haileeeey
- frikinxhailey (10:31:10 PM): !!!!!!!!!!
- frikinxhailey (10:31:14 PM): It's been so long!
- frikinxhailey (10:31:25 PM): Even though I talked to you like, a couple hours ago
- frikinxhailey (10:31:53 PM): I'm hyperrrrrrrrr
- frikinxhailey (10:33:21 PM): is tony sleeping?
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:33:30 PM): No, he's in his room
- frikinxhailey (10:33:41 PM): oh. amazing! O_O
- frikinxhailey (10:33:58 PM): I hear weird noises in the garage!
- frikinxhailey (10:34:09 PM): I'm the only one awake. =/
- frikinxhailey (10:34:39 PM): Ugh. It's like the toad in my slipper.
- frikinxhailey (10:34:42 PM): Actually
- frikinxhailey (10:34:45 PM): it's nothing like that
- frikinxhailey (10:34:48 PM): but still...
- frikinxhailey (10:35:05 PM): there is nothing like the toad in the slipper incident
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:35:18 PM): I know, that was fucking weird
- frikinxhailey (10:35:34 PM): I will never understand it!
- frikinxhailey (10:35:43 PM): It will forever torment me
- frikinxhailey (10:36:08 PM): I'll be doing something and out of nowhere, I'll think about it and be like "HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!"
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:36:45 PM): Maybe your house lies in the nexus of the universe or something lol, and it sucks things in and spits stuff back out
- frikinxhailey (10:37:23 PM): lol, that sounds about right. This house isn't as fun. I've never found a toad in my slipper here.
- frikinxhailey (10:37:43 PM): You haven't found home until you've found a toad in your slipper without explanation
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:37:51 PM): haha, maybe tomorrow you'll wake up and kittylove will have just disapeared or something
- frikinxhailey (10:37:52 PM): or a mysterious orange bug
- frikinxhailey (10:38:04 PM): lol, that would be kind of cool. but my mom would cry
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:38:09 PM): your house ate kittylove :-(
- frikinxhailey (10:38:27 PM): when he dies, my mom wants to seriously get him cremated and keep his ashes
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:38:50 PM): That's sad to think about
- frikinxhailey (10:39:03 PM): He fucking hates me, so he'll probably haunt me or something. It is sad though...I always cry a lot when pets die.
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:39:34 PM): hahah, kittylove's ghost
- frikinxhailey (10:40:15 PM): that's all i need.
- frikinxhailey (10:40:32 PM): I want a guinea pig
- frikinxhailey (10:41:35 PM): NO
- frikinxhailey (10:41:37 PM): wait
- frikinxhailey (10:41:39 PM): a dead bird lol
- frikinxhailey (10:41:48 PM): no, seriously though, I want a penguin
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:42:15 PM): hahaha, penguin's would be sweet
- frikinxhailey (10:42:38 PM): I know! But it's illegal.
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:42:39 PM): shit, tony wants the laptop
- frikinxhailey (10:42:45 PM): AGH
- frikinxhailey (10:42:59 PM): effin whore
- frikinxhailey (10:43:39 PM):
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:43:40 PM): haha. "why don't you just go look at gray and green shirts and leave us alone."
- frikinxhailey (10:43:47 PM): Yeah, really!
- frikinxhailey (10:43:52 PM): DAMN IT TONY
- frikinxhailey (10:43:55 PM): I hear thunder
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:44:02 PM): :-/
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:44:08 PM): I hear tony
- frikinxhailey (10:44:19 PM): Well, that's definitely worse
- frikinxhailey (10:44:40 PM): Whyyyyyyyyy doest thou need thy laptop NOW?
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:44:52 PM): I don't know :-(
- frikinxhailey (10:45:59 PM): Damn it Tony!!!
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