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Hailey Havoc

I am here for Friends

About Me

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I'm rad, you're rad; let's hug. My name is Hailey, I'm 16 years old, I am a sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High School, I live for Drake, my friends and music, and sometimes I eat burritos.

I don't believe in the word "impossible".

I have the raddest boyfriend in the world <[b>Drake]. I love him more than anything and would be completely lost without him. He's become everything to me. He's crazy awesome. One of my best friends, Barnett C. Rackovan, has left. "I'll be where I am." That's what he said. I shall miss him with all my heart. I'm obsessed with Demetri Martin, vampires, penguins, llamas, and pomegranates. I'm a proud crew member of the Iron Turd. lol. It's a ship run by Captain Steve. Then there's First Mate Brad (or Dale), Corporal Drake I hate it when people call me "emo". I'm too happy to be "emo". I only use shampoo and conditioner that say right on the bottle that they haven't been tested on animals. I'm overall a friendly person. But I am lacking the outgoing trait. A lot. I'm an extremely random person. My SN is airwavesxanatomy I want all of my friends to know that I love them more than life. And to those of you in NC: I miss you so much I may go insane! Anyway, I have one thing to say to you all...:

Release your inner dork. Life's too short to be cool.

RhondileYvonneKeith is the DAREST person EVER!

the end.
Chatting With Joey On Chatango:
- frikinxhailey (10:31:02 PM): =D
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:31:05 PM): Haileeeey
- frikinxhailey (10:31:10 PM): !!!!!!!!!!
- frikinxhailey (10:31:14 PM): It's been so long!
- frikinxhailey (10:31:25 PM): Even though I talked to you like, a couple hours ago
- frikinxhailey (10:31:53 PM): I'm hyperrrrrrrrr
- frikinxhailey (10:33:21 PM): is tony sleeping?
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:33:30 PM): No, he's in his room
- frikinxhailey (10:33:41 PM): oh. amazing! O_O
- frikinxhailey (10:33:58 PM): I hear weird noises in the garage!
- frikinxhailey (10:34:09 PM): I'm the only one awake. =/
- frikinxhailey (10:34:39 PM): Ugh. It's like the toad in my slipper.
- frikinxhailey (10:34:42 PM): Actually
- frikinxhailey (10:34:45 PM): it's nothing like that
- frikinxhailey (10:34:48 PM): but still...
- frikinxhailey (10:35:05 PM): there is nothing like the toad in the slipper incident
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:35:18 PM): I know, that was fucking weird
- frikinxhailey (10:35:34 PM): I will never understand it!
- frikinxhailey (10:35:43 PM): It will forever torment me
- frikinxhailey (10:36:08 PM): I'll be doing something and out of nowhere, I'll think about it and be like "HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!"
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:36:45 PM): Maybe your house lies in the nexus of the universe or something lol, and it sucks things in and spits stuff back out
- frikinxhailey (10:37:23 PM): lol, that sounds about right. This house isn't as fun. I've never found a toad in my slipper here.
- frikinxhailey (10:37:43 PM): You haven't found home until you've found a toad in your slipper without explanation
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:37:51 PM): haha, maybe tomorrow you'll wake up and kittylove will have just disapeared or something
- frikinxhailey (10:37:52 PM): or a mysterious orange bug
- frikinxhailey (10:38:04 PM): lol, that would be kind of cool. but my mom would cry
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:38:09 PM): your house ate kittylove :-(
- frikinxhailey (10:38:27 PM): when he dies, my mom wants to seriously get him cremated and keep his ashes
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:38:50 PM): That's sad to think about
- frikinxhailey (10:39:03 PM): He fucking hates me, so he'll probably haunt me or something. It is sad though...I always cry a lot when pets die.
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:39:34 PM): hahah, kittylove's ghost
- frikinxhailey (10:40:15 PM): that's all i need.
- frikinxhailey (10:40:32 PM): I want a guinea pig
- frikinxhailey (10:41:35 PM): NO
- frikinxhailey (10:41:37 PM): wait
- frikinxhailey (10:41:39 PM): a dead bird lol
- frikinxhailey (10:41:48 PM): no, seriously though, I want a penguin
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:42:15 PM): hahaha, penguin's would be sweet
- frikinxhailey (10:42:38 PM): I know! But it's illegal.
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:42:39 PM): shit, tony wants the laptop
- frikinxhailey (10:42:45 PM): AGH
- frikinxhailey (10:42:59 PM): effin whore
- frikinxhailey (10:43:39 PM): 
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:43:40 PM): haha. "why don't you just go look at gray and green shirts and leave us alone."
- frikinxhailey (10:43:47 PM): Yeah, really!
- frikinxhailey (10:43:52 PM): DAMN IT TONY
- frikinxhailey (10:43:55 PM): I hear thunder
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:44:02 PM): :-/
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:44:08 PM): I hear tony
- frikinxhailey (10:44:19 PM): Well, that's definitely worse
- frikinxhailey (10:44:40 PM): Whyyyyyyyyy doest thou need thy laptop NOW?
- surgeongeneralofrock (10:44:52 PM): I don't know :-(
- frikinxhailey (10:45:59 PM): Damn it Tony!!!
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My Interests

^^This was a fun day. lol.Demetri Martin Jokes With A Guitar
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The Seldom Seen Haunted Mine, Being random, Music, Friends, Junk Food, Being a dork, Talking on the phone, The colors black, orange, and grey, orange soda, being on MySpace, going for walks, walking in the rain, watching thunder/lightning storms, arguing with Shorty over stupid shit and then laughing about it five minutes later, going to Ocean City with Shorty, writing poetry, The Nightmare Before Christmas, taking pictures of my friends, taking pictures of scenery, filming things, editing film, English class, writing, reading, changing my layout (I'm pretty fickle with that), and other stuff I can't think of right now.the end.
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

My Role Model L
..How to play metal.
..Demetri Martin, Jussi 69, Jyrki 69, Dane Cook, Edward Cullen (though he doesn't exist, lol), JT Woodruff (and then the rest of Hawthorne Heights. I will forever be incomplete because I will never meet Casey), the cast of Viva La Bam, Johnny Knoxville, Justin Pierre (and the rest of Motion City Soundtrack), Curtis RX and Erik X (Creature Feature), Bryce Avary, Nick Santino, Criss Angel, Zach Braff, Shaant Hacikyan, Jon Heder, Jared Leto, Shannon Leto, Teddy Geiger, Aaron Gillespie, Mike Judge, Hayley Williams, Deanna Casaluce, Tony Hawk, Geoff Rowley, Tim O'Connor, Mike Vallely, Jack Black, Kevin Alexander Clark, and Joey Gaydos Jr.the end.

^^Jussi 69 from "The 69 Eyes"

^^Jyrki 69 from "The 69 Eyes"

^^Jussi and Jyrki33


Niki FM - Hawthorne Heights
Add to My Profile | More VideosSince it would take hours to list all of the bands I listen to, I'll just say that I like pretty much any type of rock. Alternative, punk, indie, classic. And Techno, too. I'm absolutely IN LOVE with the bands Motion City Soundtrack and Hawthorne Heights. They're the best. Justin Pierre, Curtis RX, and Bryce Avary = Love. Other bands I love but not as much are: Basshunter, Weezer, Rocket To The Moon, Journey, 30 Seconds To Mars, Creature Feature, HIM, The Almost, Paramore, The Rocket Summer, and Cute Is What We Aim For.CLICK HERE!!& I will love you forever.the end.


Demetri Martin. Person. SCHOOL OF ROCK the end.


Death Note, Metalocalypse, Inuyasha, Demetri Martin, Dane Cook, Viva La Bam, Criss Angel Mindfreak, King of the Hill, The Andy Milonakis Show, Family Guy, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Steven's Untitled Rock Show, Degrassi, Munchies, Beavis and Butt-head, Scrubs, Friends...it goes on.the end.


THE BEST BOOKS EVER WRITTEN ARE THE "TWILIGHT" SERIES BY STEPHENIE MEYER. "Looking For Alaska" by John Green, Anything by Nicholas Sparks, The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis, anything by Christopher Pike, "Gabriel's Angel" by Nora Roberts, and the whole Alexander Armsworth and Blossom Culp series by Richard Peck. And I love books about horses.the end.


Comedy Central Presents Demetri Martin
Add to My Profile | More VideosDrake, Shorty, Vicky, MaKayla, Barnett C. Rackovan (I will miss you forever and ever), Demetri Martin, Dane Cook, David, Alicia, Rhonda, Joey, Tony, Not Aaron {{lol}}, Edward Cullen and the rest of the Cullens (lol), Stephanie Meyer, and the Seldom Seen Haunted Mine Crew!! I love you guys! Pon and Zi. Bam Margera, Raab Himself (Chris Raab), Brandon Dicamillo, Ryan Dunn, Rake Yohn, Tim Glomb, Phil Margera, April Margera, Don Vito, Tony Hawk, Geoff Rowley, and Johnny Knoxville. Also can't forget Justin Pierre, Jon Heder, Criss Angel, Jack Black, Andy Milonakis, Avril Lavigne, Aaron Gillespie, Beavis and Butt-head, Boomhauer from King of the Hill, and of course Mike Judge. AND HAROLD THE CHICKEN!! haha.~*~"The greatest irony of love; loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right and finding out you love someone right after that person walks out of your life... and sometimes, you think you're already over a person, but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again... for some, they think that letting go is one way of expressing how much they love that person... in my opinion, some are afraid to see the one they love being held by someone else... most relationships tend to fail not because the absence of love. Love is always present. It's just that one was being loved too much and the other was being loved too little... as we all know that the heart is the center of the body but it beats on the left. maybe that's the reason why the heart is not always right... most often we fall in love with the person we think we love but to only discover that for them we are just for passing time. While the one who truly loves us remains either a friend or a stranger... so here's a piece of advice; let go when you're hurting too much. Give up when love isn't enough. And move on when things are not like before... For sure there is someone out there WHO WILL LOVE YOU EVEN MORE."~*~
..the end.

My Blog

I Know Who I Am.

I'm a slut because I wore shorts and a tank top. I'm anorexic because I eat as much as I want and don't gain weight. I'm a bitch because I don't let you push me around. I'm a liar because I ...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:52:00 PST

Random Things To Think About (stole from Alex)

..>   a few funny things you should ponder Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. .. -->Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:44:00 PST

i have this friend.

so yeah.  i have this friend.  her name is rhondile. she's CRAZY AWESOME. yeah.  she's pretty RAD.   we're pretty retarded when we're together.  or just talking to each other...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:00:00 PST

Casey Calvert pictures

..http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g100/Dude_Super/lovingme mory.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"> ..http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g100/Dude_Super/TWLOHA.g if" alt="Photobucket - Vi...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 03:18:00 PST

R.I.P. Casey Calvert

REST IN PEACE CASEY CALVERT Gone but never, ever forgotten.   While touring in Washington D.C., guitarist Casey Calvert was found dead on the band's tour bus on November 24, 2007. The band had ki...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:37:00 PST


Today I realized that I'm going to be okay.  That's a big step, considering how miserable I was when I got here.  I have friends here now.  That doesn't mean I'll forget my old ones, be...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:57:00 PST

The people who have changed my life (besides parents, lol)...

I want to take the time to acknowledge the people who have somehow altered who I am, and whom I couldn't live without. Drake Evan George Prickett (Lying Whore [lol, j/k]) - Let's see...Drake is the ra...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 07:48:00 PST

Worst day I’ve had in a while...

Nothing is going right today.  I'm not going into detail.  I can't say exactly what went wrong (although I know very well).  I want to scream at the top of my lungs.  I feel like I...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:10:00 PST

Victoria Jane Brothers

...has been offline for THREE DAYS.  She needs to get on because I just tried calling her house and SHE IS NOT HOME and I feel like talking to her so she should GET ONLINE.  Why am I making ...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 05:35:00 PST

Do thisss.

1. I'll respond with something random about you.2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you a...
Posted by Hailey Havoc on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:34:00 PST