Towel or No Towel? profile picture

Towel or No Towel?

First time on me, anytime after that its on you George

About Me

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......As you can tell, Im in the Army!!! Ive been to Iraq twice and its really not that bad like society says. Iraq is a beautiful place to visit. I dont have no kids, I cant afford them right now. Its about my career now. I have numerous cars but my Avalanche and my Cadillac is my favorite one. Ive been in the Army 5 years and Im a SSG. Thats really good because many people retire as a Staff Sergeant and I made it in 4 years and some change. I love the army. I do have some schooling.Yeah,two years. I dont make a lot of money but Im paid. Right now I stay in Columbia SC. Im not going to lie, the army is the easiest thing you can do. Wanna drive a nice whip, have fun, get off early, and sham all day, THE ARMY IS THE LIFE STYLE. Back to me, oh yeah all my GAT classmates..What up? I dont have a ole lady because most girls are intimidated by lil ole me. Why? Cause Im on my grind and they know I want the best. Some feel that they can run games but I dont give girls the time to run games on me. I dont have any friends except my brothers, and a couple other people. I learn the hard way, the people you hang with is just called your friend because you can do something for them, your not struggling or because they're with you everyday. Real friends stay with you and it doesn't matter if you move they keep in touch. Im not quiet but I wont be loud to have all the attention. Attention is good when its the right time and if its from the right person. Oh yeah how could i forget. I got my own House, own cars, own clothes, own money so I aint no dummy......more coming later but for now.....WHAT ABOUT YOU?....... "
...I remember having all these emotions running through your mind at one time..Reality really sets in when your in a position and you dont know if you will make it home, whether you battle to the next have your back,never take training lightly because the person to your left or right is the person who you will watch your back and if he/she did not retain the information because he/she decided that the info was boring, you might be in a box being carried by six and a flag to your family..Im sorry dont cut it...My Badd dont either..No matter how much you cant stand a person back in the states when your down range(Iraq i.e) you want that person to have your back trust me....... ..

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Understand that I live in the south but I listen to everything from Rap to R&B to Blues to Gospel to Jazz etc. It dont matter what it is. If the beat is nice and the words mean something to me then I listen. Im not one that only listen to all the crunk shit cuz its a phrase that will soon pass. Music represent me in many ways that you wont think. I like ole school cuz they paved the way for upcoming artist like myself and all these new cats. MUSIC soothes the SOUL. Watch out for my album coming to AAFES near you. LIL YOUNGIN


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Cool Slideshows Look people.. I know that when you look at this page you see Pics and you probably dont read what people write, but if your reading this thanks..These people on my page has inspired me to be what I am today or made me see what I shouldnt do. My battle buddy Ch Hall is preacher but I talk to this man about my situations and he listen... SSG Peacock.. I listen to this dude complain and he did the same for me.. we didnt always get along but you been a true CA that I can count...Lets do it big in FT.Jackson. I know that this is the movie part and I got stuff all over the place but this is me but I got my shit together..believe that.


.. Um, OH, Ahh,,well what can I say? If your wondering like why in the hell is his shirt always off or if your wondering like is he a porn star or something to that effect, you might be wondering to hard, if you dont like it, hit the that x in the top right corner,, yeah the delete button,,, I guess your still reading, I know you want to know why in the hell took this pic? well because curiosity killed that cat,, I wont let it kill you,,My MOM, dont believe me, ask me if I give a care.... Hell Nah,, If you want to see me naked,,I did this especially for you....blink 4 times while looking at the middle of my abs, then on the 5th time close your eyes and count to 5.. now open them...dang something just wrong with your computer, it work on crazy for doing it...Holla ......
This is was at the military here on FT.Jackson 2007...Im just sporting most of the ribbons and shining ornaments on my class A..You got to love a man in uniform ...... ......Yes Yall this is my bed and the comforter set with all the pillows, curtains that you dont see cost a grip. Why a canopy bed, well its seductive for the ladies and if your lady is comfortable,Lord knows what gonna happen. I like nice things so instead in buying rims and stuff that really dont make sense, I spend it on something that will last. I like expensive things and I work hard so I will get what the hell I want. Ladies if you want to figure out how it feels there is only one to find out and thats to come lay on it....Oh I forgot to tell you,, laying on my bed will cost you....believe me you will enjoy the ride, now lay your head back while ...They say an angel is the only thing that comes in all white so people look,.see, your angel has arrived in the physical form....Okay,,,Im just getting out of church and yes I go to church.. In today time frame, you will need a christian man if you want to make anything work within a marriage or relationship, Remember a man that seeks GOD is a man thats in tune and will treat you like you should..Listen now...A REAL CHRISTIAN MAN NOW...a lot of us just go to church cause its tradition,,,but did you learn something so that you can apply it to your everyday life..Okay Im about to Im leave on that note....AMEN..


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ..... ....If you never read this book you might want to order this whether you male of female. I first read this book when I was down in Iraq and I have been reading ever since then. This book has open my eyes in more ways than one. You can never be to sure on a situation because situations changes daily. Matter of fact, get all her books.....ITS NICE


S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ..... Iraqi's cause their own death

Add to My Profile | More Videos ....Listen People.. Open your damn eyes....We dont get enough respect for what we do. Were not famous but I fight for you. I dont dribble a ball, I dont catch one either. What I do is shoot, move, and communicate. For damn near two years I've been down range meaning Iraq fighting for you. They say that we are heroes when we get off the plane, but honestly America dont give a damn. I raise my right hand and every day I put the uniform on I am proud that I represent the USA. I volunteer to go down range in 2003. My older brother was down range and if he went, then I wanted to go. I wanted to do whatever it took. Take a look at this video and see why we cant progress and so many Americans are dying over there is because we cant decipher who is the good or the bad guy. Watch what happens to these Iraqi's that wants to throw weapons away.. We see everything or do we.. ...Im Not A Drill Sergeant but I'll drill you like a Drill Sergeant is my saying but being a drill sergeant thats my dream, dont worry because im a stepping stone away..what the hell is the Army waiting for, No one is more professional than I, I am a Non Commissioned Officer... Thats what I live by....I dont mess with Privates nor will I allow one to ruin my career..All it takes is one second to mess up a 5 year plus career...Can you pay my bills?, Can you love me unconditionally?, Hell No so aint no private worth it. Hooah... Im just about to go at the enemy...well something like that......
...Do I look like my mom or what?...... ..I know she left 106& Park but she has never left my heart..she sexy..... ....No Family is tighter...who cares about your family...we still working on different issues but we close....a href="" target="_blank" ....This is the 193RD HHC Crew.SSG Tucker, SSG Butler, SGT Rodriquez, SFC Williams, 1SG Jenkins, SSG Harris, SSG LaBlue..... know Im riding BIG, why Im not on 26's? because Ive grown up and a smart man will pay his car off first. Why pay $2400 for some rims and you owe $9000 more on your car.That's Stupid. Black people come on, arent you tired of not having no money in your pocket but you flossing riding big.Lets not keep the next man pockets fat...well let me tell you,,Im riding factories you can keep your 23's...Now what you think? Do I make sense? My dad taught me that....