Interior Design
Hollywood History
AIDS Awareness
Equality for EVERYONE
Theatre, both to watch and to be on stage :D The GREATEST feeling in the world!!!
CANDLE MAKING!!!! OMG this is the absolute funnest thing to do!!!!!!!
Jim Davis, I would KILL to get his autograph tattooed under my Gardfield tat :D ( ok so maybe not kill...)
Kevin Smith, though I have NO clue what I would say... I got nothin...
Elizabeth Taylor, the last of the Greats
Lily Allen, anyone who can write a song like Not Big deserves some appreciation
Robbie Williams
Duran Duran
Nine Inch Nails
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Flea ROCKS
Depeche Mode
Cyndi Lauper
George Michaels
Boy George
Maroon 5
Pitch Black
Chronicles of Riddick (will they PLEASE hurry up with the third one, i am going through SERIOUS Riddick withdrawls)
Lord of the Rings Trilogy, extended edition, BEST movie EVER
the OLD Star Wars Trilogy
Walk the Line
Hotel Rwanda
Steele Magnolias, which I pretty much know by HEART thank you very much!!
Rocky Horror Picture Show, you HAVE to see this LIVE in a movie theater to get the FULL effect :D
Mystery Men
ANYTHING by Kevin Smith but especially Chasing Amy and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Crash, all I can say is WOW
Life Aquatic
Anything by Woody Allen, REALLY enjoyed Match Point
The Lake House
M. Night Shamalan, all cept for Sixth Sense mainly cause I haven't watched it all the way through yet LOL
Black Snake Moan (HOT flippin movie, Ricci RULES)
The Notebook (ok I admit I am a romantic at heart, don't tell nobody ;-)
Across the Universe. Even if you aren't a huge Beatles fan, this movie is the BEST movie...
Survivor: Fans vs. Faves. Go Ozzy Go Ciri :D
How I Met Your Mother. YAY it should be back SOON
The Riches. Quite possibly THE best series on TV in a LONG time
House Hunters International (A girl can dream, can't she)
Intervention (I am strange)
Celebrity Rehab with The Man Dr. Drew
And yes Flavor of Love 3 LOL Cause its Flavor Flav!!
La Femme Nikita until the bastards took it off the air
Cold Feet (Its a now of the air Brit comedy)
Jean M. Auels Clan of the Cave Bear series, have read this MANY times, excellent series
Brett Easton Ellis, especially Less Than Zero
Possessing the Secret of Joy by Alice Walker
Frank McCourt
S.E. Hinton, have read The Outsiders SO many times, I have gone through FOUR copies
Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann
Jean Rhys (LOVE LOVE LOVE Wide Sargaso Sea)
My Daughter
Princess Diana
Harvey Milk
Jim Davis
And whoever invented Coke, the drink, not the drug HA