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I'm a photographer and all around computer junkie. My portfolio and many photos of mine can be seen on my website . If you are interested in having photos taken of you, your family, your business, your band, or am just interested in me or my work, MESSAGE ME.
You can find my work at my photography company's website started in January, 2005. There are over 4,000 photos on the site and always more to come. I am out working just about every week in Detroit and Toledo, and any other place that my travels take me. Within the last year I have worked for clients in NYC, Miami, Detroit, Cleveland, Columbus, Atlanta, Detroit, Windor, and a few other places that slip my mind. I have a wide range of clients from real estate agents, commercial developers, Auto Detail company, Hair Salons, Clothing Label, DJ's/ Producers, Bands, Nightlife Production companies. Much of my nightlife work is done for Clubplanet Nightlife which is owned and operated my Track Entertainment from NYC.
I'm a very outgoing guy that loves to experience life and everything it offers. There's a lot to see, learn, and do and I'd love to make the most of it. I have a a few things that make me the happiest and true passions. I love music and the vibe that goes with it. Staying in shape is very important, since I need the high energy level to do everything I do, and I stay in shape by running almost every day. I just like being around people and meeting new people. There is so much more to me I am better with the camera than I am a writer .
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