Taninja profile picture


Life shrinks or expand in proportion with ones courage

About Me

Fighter girl

"Life shrinks or expand in proportion with ones courage"
Anais Nin

I love adventures and dares. I found my zen on a train in Thailand. I train hard - fight hard. I have a few principles, which I held high and live by. My goal is to each day, do something for body, mind and soul and keep my spirit high.
Also: Im a professional freelance writer, I hold a master in Sociology from Copenhagen University and I work professionally with communication strategies. A side from my own training (follow my blog) I teach classes in Kickboxing and Taekwondo. I do kettlebell and conventional weigthtraining with the warrior twist in between everything else.
I feel at home in most places, with most people - but I always like to be inspired, learn new stuff and feel the wonders of life.

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My Interests

My study: Sociology
Muay Thai
MA & MMA in general
GYM/ Naked Warrior Wo
Friends & family
Looking like a million
PS2 - I love playing Tekken!
In my next life I'll be Xiayuo from Tekken *S*

Hanging with the other fighters from my club, where I train & also teach classes - one of the app. 3 times a year I get pissed *LOL*

I am also resident at:

Kettlebells - Grrrr

I'd like to meet:

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Just found this: Promo from Legacy Gym!! (by muaytommy) - Check it!!! Ole, fighters and trainers are featured + lots of goodie highlights from training and fights!
.. .. ..


Having a soundtrack to my life is so important to me. Here is some of my alltime fave soundmakers - In NO particular order:
Depeche Mode
Type O Negative
Jay Z
Marylin Manson
Henry Rollins
The Birthday Party
Nick Cave
Neil Young
The Doors
Hotel Costes I - VII
Missy Elliott
Foxy Brown
Lil Kim
Wu Tang
Hed Kandi
The Cramps
and all those bands I forgot while writing this - I love having a soundtrack to my life

And some of my all time fave albums with other artists:
Sucidal Tendencies
/ Institutionalized
The Doors/ Strange Days
Nirvana/ Smell likes & Unplugged
Smashing Pumpkins/ Siamese Twins
Oasis/ Cigarettes & Alchohol
Wu-Tang/ Enter the 36 Chambers
Chemical Brothers/ Dig your own hole
Astral Projection/ In the Mix
Rolling stones/Sticky Fingers
The Beatles/ sgt. Peppers lonely heartclub band
Led Zeppelin/ III
Dead Kennedys/ Bedtime for Democracy
MC5/ Kick out the Jams
The Eletric Prunes/ I had to much to dream last night
The Buffalo Springfield/ Retrospective
Coldplay/ Parachutes
The Manic Street Preachers/ This is my truth Tell me yours
L.O.C./ Cassiopeia

Add MySpace Records as your friend!


Evil Dead I & II
Army of Darkness
A tale of two sisters
Battle Royal
Ichi the Killer
Lord of the Rings - Triology
Matrix - Triology (thou I dont care for the ending)
Sin City
Rosemarys Baby
Ong Bak
Shawnshank Redemption
Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon
Iron Monkey
Batman Begins
The Freshest Kids
Lucky Slevin


The Simpsons
The West Wing
Contender Asia
Desperate Housewifes
American Dad
Family Guy
The Colbert Report


Dostojevskij: The Idiot & Crime and Punishment
William Gibson Triology
Pavel on bw excersisses
Dan Brown: Angels and demons
Henry Rollins: Get in the Van
and I love the writings of Milan Kundura, Coelho etc.

Of sociology litterature

Max Weber: Die protestantische ethik und der Geist des kapitalismus
Pierre Bourdieu: Raisons Practique
Emile Durkheim: De la division du travial social
Zygmunt Bauman: Modernity and the Holocaust
Niklas Luhmann: Soziale systeme


Im attending

My Blog

Kessler is fighting tomorrow

    Very happy and unhappy about the event tomorrow... Happy, because Im going to see one of the best boxers ever (with the most evil jab!) fighting to get the world title back and redeem hi...
Posted by Taninja on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 02:26:00 PST

Pressrealease - in danish - for 8brawl

Sorry guys.. to tired to translate again   En action pakket fightaften i Den Grå Hal   Pressemeddelelse Tania Presutti 14.06.2008   Godt nok var det en tjekke, der løb med de 40.000...
Posted by Taninja on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 07:55:00 PST

Press & Pic realease for Eight8Brawl

København d. 13.juni 2008..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Eight8Brawl Succes ved indvejningen til Danmarks første og største professionelle muay thai event De...
Posted by Taninja on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 01:36:00 PST

Please join me for Eight8Brawl - Muay Thai

More muay thai action is comming up!! This time in the center of Copenhagen (Just voted no 1 capital in the world by Monocle (lifestyle magazine)), some of Denmarks best muay thai fighters will compet...
Posted by Taninja on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 01:49:00 PST

Congratulations to Kampmann

A late - (but better late than never) - CONGRATS to Martin - The Hitman - Kampmann on his victory over Jorge Rivera on UFC 85 Bedlam! Picture from UFC WE LOVE KAMPMANN!!  ...
Posted by Taninja on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 03:12:00 PST

A little story from the K-1 weekend

First of all... I have to thank Kasra, Ole, Rene, Thomas and Nathalie for making my K-1 event fantastic. Secondly a few words of my trip. Everything started off great: I woke up late - packed bag...
Posted by Taninja on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 05:54:00 PST

A few visuals from my first date *s*

Is in the new photoalbulm... more to come later  
Posted by Taninja on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 12:39:00 PST

K-1 Continue

Im back, after a minor breakdown... Results: Semifinal 1: Joakim Karlsson - Marcus Öberg, Winner with Unamious after 1 extra round Semifinal 2: Marco Pique - Dazbar Askerov, Winner with Unamious after...
Posted by Taninja on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 01:13:00 PST

Short report from K-1 Scandinavia, Rumble of the King

Short fight report from my first date with K-1 All expectations fullfilled. This was a good night.. only thing missing a two thousand more audiences.. but some really good fights. Atmosphere really g...
Posted by Taninja on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:22:00 PST

Have you got a question for K-1 Superstar Ole Laursen?

If you have a good question for Ole Laursen in regards to his K-1 fight against Virgil Kolakada - or in regards to his amazing fight career - I'll ask it for you at the K-1, Rumble of Kings. Tonight!I...
Posted by Taninja on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:06:00 PST