Criminilogy... basic Lawyer things..... it's a very interesting field to go into.... you can help alot of people out........ I love playing baseball.. it's my passion ever since i was 5... i've played every year since then....i'm a college athleat now.. YAY!!! i also love poetry and reading..... i attempt to draw but i'm nto good at it lol.... my older brother can desighn a whold building... on paper.. lol he's good.... the artistic side just skipped over me.. lol.... i also collece rare and exotic shoes... i have a few... well over 1,500 dollars worth in fact... i wear them all but they always stay fresh as Do I..... what can i say i'm a G... i'm a G.. lol....
anyone who is down to chill... basically someone who is trustworthy.... thats a big thing....if you need a better definition hit me up i'll be glad to explain for you!! take care.....
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Rap, R&B, and Gosple
National Security, Saw 1+2, 4 Brothers, 2 Fast 2 Furious, The Ledgen of Zorro, Big momma house 2, low down dirty shame, the patriot, finding nemo ( just relized today 2/12/06 how good it really was) lol, all the final destinations 1 and 2.. yet to see 3, finding private ryan, west side story, Bad Boys 1 and 2, U.S Marshalls, rules of engagment, scairy movie 1,2,and 3, lean on me, both barber shops ( eddie... nigga.. lmao), lion king 1,and 2, Shaft, Hardball, love don't cost a thing, it's all about the benjamans, and Heat
the Bible, the washington post sports section... lol to see if my baseball pic is there yet.... lol, and i love Animorphs.. i probally own all of them.. seriously from when i was in elementry school....
My great grandmother ( I miss u!) and my mom and dad