Believe the Hype profile picture

Believe the Hype

That just happened!!

About Me

My name is Colin and I would say that I have a type A+ personality. Most people like me because I am rarely late, I'm polite and I always enjoy a nice pair of slacks. After living in Boston for 4 years, my friends there labeled me their "most competitive friend." I love playing sports and really love talking shit, so don't take it personal when I get in your head. If you were to meet me, you would quickly realize that I am one of the most sarcastic people you have ever met. I love making people laugh and I totally appreciate it when others can do the same for me. Because what's better than laughing and having a good time? I never take life too seriously and always try to make the best out of any situation. My family and friends are the most important things in my life. I couldn't ask to have better of either, I feel blessed to know them all. They would all describe me as someone that is loyal, honest, funny, respectful, down to earth and very, very classy.....
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My Interests

Meeting interesting new people, partying, beirut, tailgating, getting my swagger on, concerts/shows, golf, skiing, biking, tennis, working out, playing poker, vegas, road trips, sunny days and the beach, good food/wine, grilling, being sarcastic, making people laugh, causing hilarious scenes, being clutch and "Manning Up"

I'd like to meet:

Someone that can keep me grounded, challenge me, make me laugh, someone that enjoys the simple things in life and life in general, someone that appreciates family and friends as much as I do, someone willing to say what's on their mind and someone willing to give 110% and not quit when times are bad.


I love music, especially seeing live music. I get into everything from hip-hop to rock to pop to techno.


Boiler Room, Confidence, Rounders, Memento, Casino, Goodfellas, Scarface, Heat, Blow, Snatch, Collateral, Meet the Parents/Fockers, Big Lebowski, Anchor Man, Wedding Crashers, Old, School, Starsky & Hutch, Talledaga Nights, Christmas Vacation, American Psycho, Tommy Boy, Days of Thunder, Swingers


Seinfield, Entourage, Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Shield, 24, CSI, Law and Order, Sports Center, PTI, Dog Bites Man

My Blog

You want details??

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Colin Birthday: 12/15/1979 Birthplace: Bridgeport, CT Current Location: Somerville, MA Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Blonde Height: 5'10 Right Ha...
Posted by Believe the Hype on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 02:02:00 PST