CALLEH™ ♥ profile picture


About Me

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Under Construstion ♥
.This Girl.
Lets Face It
You Cant Make an impression of me
from words off a website.
It Changs By Mood & Experiences.
..& talking of impressions
Im shit at first ones
So give me a chance ;]
Im an alright Girl
Once you Get To know Me

I'm Alot More Than I Write About Myself
& Alot More Than What Your Pathetic Friends Say
People Seem To Have a preconceived image of me, For Being Too Nice & Someone You Can Walk Over
Well You Cant.
Im nice & i'll care a
whole fucking lot about you
But It Depends how im treated in return.
I tust Too quickly
& Never Forget when someone lets me down.
Friendship actually means somethign to me
Even If It doesnt to you.
I like knowing where i stand with people
If I've Done something wrong
Tell Me.
Im not a mind reader.

I Love Nice People
& Drinking With Friends On a sunny day
I Hate Staying Inside
& People With Split Personalitys.
Im Easily Amused
And Easily irritated
Im polite & Manners will get you every where with me.

Take Me To A Theme Park Or Cardiff Anyday
I Get Food Down My Clothes
& Leave Everything Until last Minute
I Inflict Cally Bombs
I Like Making Things Out Of Wallpaper
I Like funny Words
I Hate a Lack of Common Sence
I Have Alot Of Freedom
I Stay Out Too Late
I Stay Up Too Late
and Wake Up Too Late.
I'm a million contradictions
But i am Cally
Nice To Meet YOu.
[To the people that actually read tht]
I dont feel close to anyone anymore
After a conversation,My outlook on life has changed.Ive opened my eyes & realised that the world really is shit.From the rapists & murderers,to the ordinary people that walk our selfish streets. Life isn't what you make it because there's too many people in this world able to control the path you choose to travel,either making it better or worse.The only thing we can individually control is the clothes you decide to put on and the thoughts you think.Yet even they can be controlled by another.People are Rude,Manipulative and Un-kind,and even that one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down most likely will.Deal with it & Realise you are on your own in the world,just sometimes people decide to stick by you.That is their choice & it's out of your control if that could ever change.Keep Hold of the people that care & forget about the ones that dont.Be grateful for what you have & dont expect anything more.Everything happens for a reason so remove the cotton wool from your eyes & see things for what they are & not how you want to see them.No matter how you'd prefer it to be.Treat people with Respect But Respect yourself more.So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and be aware that things could be alot worse.

My Interests


Yes Please :];

No Thanks;

I Watch; Scrubs
Dubbed Aladdin ♥♥
I Hear; Music :]
I Love ♥
.The Friends.
We're friends, real friends.
& that means,
no matter how long it takes,
when you finally do decide to look back,
I'll be here.

I Miss You
I Love You
But i Take It You Dont Need Me Anymore.



Monkey :]

Ill do more soon :]
& writing

.The Boyf.

I Love This Person ♥

.The Famous Ones.

My Blog

Useless Facts About Cally

1. My Full Name Is CALLY ANNA JOSHEPHINE JOHNSON.Make Fun Of It If You Like :) It Has A Flooow Though Don't Ya Think :).   2. My dad Spelt My Name Wrong On My Birth Certificate[Callie].Personally...
Posted by CALLEH™ ♥ on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:47:00 PST

*ME & YOU* fill in :)

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. Do you love me? 8. Do you have a...
Posted by CALLEH™ ♥ on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 05:51:00 PST