Music,Movies,Sleep,Sleep,Sleep.........i need 8 hours at night and about 10 during the day
David Lynch, Louise Brooks(Silent film screen siren, see my pics!), Bill Hicks.
Bob Dylan, Aimee Mann, Neko Case, bloodkin, Slaphappy, Any old timey country, Hoodoo Gurus, Daniel Hutchens, In Like Flynn, R.E.M., Little Richard, Fastball, Buddy Holly and so on......
Blue Velvet, Freaks(1932), Pandoras Box(1928 silent directed by G.W. Pabst, Germany 1928), American Movie, Any Bill Hicks footage,
Twin Peaks, Six Feet Under,The Office(Brittish,and American) Family Guy, The Simpsons, Inside The NFL, Seinfeld, Lucky Louie (a new favorite)
non fiction,Louise Brooks by Barry Paris anything by Tennesee Williams, or F. Scott Fitzgerald. I have as habit of reading books halfway,at the same time, I will read the same book 100 times in a row........weird, huh?
Bill Hicks, John Lennon