Laughing, eating, cruising craigslist for furniture, and obsessing over how to decorate my apartment.And asking the 8 ball all of the important questions in life!!....... Here, you try!
A perfect man. heh heh.
Some more cool chicks to do stuff with in my spare time nights and weekends.That's first and foremost!! Then, maybe a really nice guy to be arm candy for on occasion :)
Just trying to create a space that's fun to visit and maybe meet some new people, either in person, or on line... Some serious, some not so serious. Which type are you?Please enjoy some sophisticated entertainment as you browse my page. Ignore the guy in the tux---this is Jerome Murat, and he's amazing!It's a big file so it views in sections, it's about 4 minutes long and worth it!
As long as its not rap, heavy metal, or hard core country, I will pretty much listen to it. My taste tends to lean towards classic-, pop-,or alternative- rock.
While I enjoy techno and electronica on occasion, Billy Joel and Elton John can do no wrong as far as I am concerned, and I am very proud that they've both branched out from their "piano and a guy" roots to expand our options from their catalogues. I am open to listening to stuff other people like, that's how I discovered Keane, who I love. Anne Murray and Jim Brickman make me want to hurl, but I can live with Michael Buble over a candlelit dinner, no problem!!
Anything well written, which these days is harder and harder to find. Blood and Guts? Bleccch! Some of my older favorites: All of Me, Death Becomes Her, Ferris Bueller, Total Recall, Shawshank Redemption, Mystic River (I am unofficially 2 degrees of Kevin Bacon thanks to my friend Tori, who played his wife), Indiana Jones, Life Is Beautiful, The Sixth Sense, Identity, Big, The Station Agent, Ray. So many more. Too many to list. I adore laughing but I also think crying at sappy movies is a girl's duty!
TV is so addicting---I keep breaking the habit and falling off the wagon! I swear to only watch smart tv and the channel keeps magically moving off of PBS LOL.
French Women Don't Get Fat.
Man, I wish I was French heh heh. But I'm not fat :)
Any animal, for putting up with the stupidity of its human owner-----they're so far ahead of us...