Girls in Leotards, Trumpets, Magic Dolphin Tattoos, Kleenex, People with Big Noses, Moustaches, Liquids Containing Bubbles, Fried Chichen Fish and More, Film, Olives, Cactus, Paris, Mexico, Porches, Dress-Up Dance Parties, Overuse of Capitalization and Quotations, Puff-Paint Sweatshirts, Pantsuits, Reebok High-Tops, Unicorns and Happy Fun Time.
Journey and Air Supply, over and over.
The Godfather I & II, all things Wes Anderson, Children of Men, Breaking Away, 28 Days Later, Cinema Paradiso, Taxi Driver, Amelie, Shopgirl, Little Miss Sunshine, Das Boot, Whale Rider, Lost in Translation, Manhattan, Bullets over Broadway, All About my Mother, Volver, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Enter the Dragon, Graveyard of the Fireflies, Rear Window, Goodfellas, Masculin Feminin, The Graduate, The Jerk, Sound of Music, Flashdance, Triplets of Belleville, Urban Cowboy, June Bug, 400 Blows, Jules et Jim.