Swimming, Jet Ski's, music & Sun!
Glitter Arms Outstretched Mickey Mouse Glitters
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I love all sorts of music, pretty big fan! But if I had to pick my favorites...Metalica, Queensryche, Breaking ben, Pearl Jam, Judas Priest, Cinderela, Ozzy, Billy Joel, Tom Petty & the list goes on!
Tombstone,Young Guns,Goodfellas,God Father,300,Galdiator, Last Samurai,The Outsiders,Lord of the Rings,Stand By Me, The Champ & last but not least..yes...Gone With the Wind...Love this movie (if people would really take the time to actually listen to the movie..they too would love it)!!
In Loving memeroy of "Shorty" 1996-2006...My bestfriend!
Childrens books..my favorites are Goodnight Moon & Velveteen Rabbit
My sister, Mary! She is my best friend...never judges me...just supports me:) & My Mom, She has so much ambition and a love for life like no other...I am so proud of her!
You have an awesome imagination, and often put it to use for sexual purposes. You are very romantic and don’t hook-up with random people very often.
Because sex to you is about showing your love, you are incredibly romantic in bed, and very giving. You tend be in a serious relationship more often then not.
Sex matches: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio
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