LostBoy profile picture


When going get's weird, the weird turn pro!

About Me

I'm hopelessly lost.
I am a mass of chemicals coordinated by the will to live and with the ability to acknowledge my separate exitence as opposed to the theoretical exitence of the rest of the universe, including you. .. MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

Philosophy, Music, books, Movies, Beatniks, Anime, Sci-Fi in vast amounts (almost unbelivable for one person to swalow even those hard-cover books), Philosophy of Language (i like Wittgenstien best), Alice in Wonderland, Ursula Le Guin, John Fante, Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton, Edgar Allan Poe, Andrei Tarkovsky, Kurt Vonnegut, Calvin and Hobbes comic...it is hilarious, cinicism, sarcasm, irony, absurd, Eugène Ionesco, Samuel Beckett, Albert Camus, etc, etc, everything that shows us the truth which is senslessness of the existence. Yet, life is completely different thing. i have a new addition to make: check out Sinfest comic strips
Oh, did I mention Neverhood? Well, Neverhood

I'd like to meet:

Whoever finds a Lost Boy, he is theirs to keep


Top 8 bands: Primus, Morphine, Tool, At the Drive-In, Mars Volta, Fugazi, .unison., Pink Floyd, not necessarily in that order
The biggest discoveries in music in 2005 were John Frusciante and Tom Waits, but after listening to Captain Beefheart, Tom Waits become the biggest disappointment.
I'm a bass player, and as such, i'm interested in jazz as much as in hard core punk. I play bass in band called The Schtrebers, which is more or less sister/brother-band to Systemerror, although we play different kind of music. Don't ask me what kind, just pop down on a Sunday afternoon to BigZ and listen for yourself. Maybe after that you can tell me what kind of music we play


Directors: Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton, David Fincher, Andrei Tarkowsky. Jarmush Jim absolutely kicks ass!!! Macabre aesthetics i love.
Movies: Brasil, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Big Fish,Nightmare Before Christmas, Fight Club, Memento, The Machinist, Gerry, Down by law, Stalker and the list keeps getting longer and longer...
latest update! Terry Gilliam's "Tideland" is beyond any comments I can put right now. You should go see it! Latest HIT!!! Ok it's not so new, but it is mind-blowing. Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern are dead. If anybody want's to know how i tick, i tick in the tempo R & G have set.


hell, yeah! I switch between two catode tubes: TV and PC. Mythbusters, Monty Python, South Park, Zlikavci.


Favourite writer is Kurt Vonnegut. the most cynical motherf*ucker you have ever met, yet very subtle. I have just discovered John Fante, and i like him very much. Also Chuck Palahniuk was very interesting, but he is repeting himself lately. As soon as I get the nerve, i'll start reading Magic Hill by Thomas Mann, so I will share my satisfaction about that later. (couple days later) OK, Palahniuk is tottaly out of game. Pynchon Rulez!!! Crying of the lot 49 is a must.


Calvin and Hobbes

My Blog

verovanje u zemlji robota

U zemlji robota ne postoji nikakav sistem verovanja. Roboti nemaju dzepove.
Posted by LostBoy on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 03:19:00 PST

novi dometi filozofije iz zemlje robota

roboti u svojoj zemlji razmisljaju na jedinstven nacin. stvar ili jeste ili nije.
Posted by LostBoy on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 06:25:00 PST

politika zaposljavanja u zemlji robota

Politika zaposljavanja u zemlji robota ne postoji. Roboti funkcionisu potpuno automatski.
Posted by LostBoy on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:39:00 PST

krajolici zemlje robota

Roboti vide samo crno-belo. Monohromatski, takoreci.
Posted by LostBoy on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:57:00 PST

povratak u zemlju robota

ponovo sam bio u zemlji robota. njene stanovnike pokrecu tochkici.
Posted by LostBoy on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 03:29:00 PST

poem for all the lovely people

ovo je moj prvi izlet u poeziju. molim budite nezhni. poem for the lovely people to all this beautiful people whom i might never meettim and jimmy, mark and stevie, i send my heartiest greet perched u...
Posted by LostBoy on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 07:05:00 PST

Uspavana lepotica

Princ je naaao put koji je vodio ka zacaranom zamku uspavane lepotice. Ona je tamo spavala vec stotinu godina i cekala je poljubac princa. Posle mnogo peripetija, borbe sa alama i a~dajama, ...
Posted by LostBoy on Mon, 07 May 2007 01:42:00 PST

Kratak boravak u zemlji robota

Putovali smo brodom po svetskim morima. Zaustavljali smo se u raznim zemljama. Iskrcali smo se i u zemlji robota. Tamo smo se kratko zadr~ali. Potom smo nastavili svoj put kuci....
Posted by LostBoy on Mon, 07 May 2007 01:39:00 PST

Zhivot u tri (3) koraka

KORAK I: Rodenje   Dobro doali na ovaj svet. Ne, samo se aalim. Niste zaista dobro doali. U stvari, ato pre shvatite da ste potpuno sami i da samo treba da progurate sva tri koraka, bolje po vas....
Posted by LostBoy on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:57:00 PST

zashto su mi priche kratke...

Uvek sam mislio da prica koju ~elim da ispricam mora  biti licna da bi bila uverljiva. Kad god bih sluaao stihove neke pesme koji bi mi se dopali, bilo mi je malko krivo ato se ja toga nisam seti...
Posted by LostBoy on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:31:00 PST