I have my world on a platter, but I cant seem to figure out if its supposed to be on 33 or 45?!
music, cutting tape, skateboarding, being outside, camping, hobo dinners, monkey bridges, scouting ethics, urban influenced art, detroit, graphic design, stuff... and lots of it.
oh shoot here we go.... jazz, funk, soul, hip hop (mostly non-commercial), electronic of various types, classical, and almost everything else.
including...and much much more!
I have a sickness.
check out my collective site
and on Myspace too!
I like shows that show people showing how things work or shows that show how things are made. "how its made", "mythbusters", "man vs. wild / survivor man", discovery channel, animalplanet.
Nufonia Must Fall, All Music Guide to:, Einsteins Dreams, madlibs,
those who dont regret...