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Powerlifting, Highland Games, Strongman, Training People and making their lives a little better. Photography and Videography.
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What ever I'm in the mood for, from Alan Jacksons to AC/DC. Theres to much to list!!
Aliens series, Predator series, Terminator series, Starwars series, Planet of The Apes series, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van-Damme Movies, abd what ever I'm in the mood for
When I was younger I could not get enough of the Dukes of Hazzard (I still like it) J.A.G., NCIS, CSI, Terminater (on FOX) According to Jim, Farmer Wants A Wife
Any I.S.S.A Text. Theory and Methodology of Training. Kinesiology of Exercise. Serious Strength Training. Periodization Training For Sports. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. Stretching Scientificly.
The members of the US Armed Forces for selflessly putting them selves in danger for the freedoms we enjoy today. Any body who stands up for what they believe is right, and not backing down.