Scarlett profile picture


If you’re bad go to your room. If you’re going to be bad, go to mine.

About Me

o I'm nineteen years old and my hometown will always be New York.

o I absolutely love middle eastern dancing, it's my heart and soul.

o I study old world pagan religions and practice mostly Nordic paganism.

o I'm a Pisces.

o I enjoy exercise

o My sisters kick ass and always have my back.

o I love writing and role playing.

o I hate drama

o I absolutely adore what friends I do have

o I love horseback riding.

o I am an extremely quirky person

My Interests

Horseback riding, drawing, reading, writing, camping, nature, medievalism, Paganism, dancing, stuff...

I'd like to meet:

Rachel Brice, Les Stroud,


I don't have any particular favorite genre of music, but I like a lot of different types. I don't really like country music.


I like a lot of fantasy movies, some sci fi, and I like but don't like horror movies. I find it a good reason to cling to the person beside me...but If I actually watch it, I wind up being awake for the next few months running around the house with a flashlight and all the lights on. XD yeah...


I watch Survivor Man, and other enlightening programs *lame* I also really like the history channel, more so when they talk about Medieval and Dark age things.


I love reading and I love books.


Errr my hero? Rachel Brice is my hero. If only I could dance like that. Some day...and then I will be my own personal hero.

My Blog

And I say...

Well in response to my dearest best friend who is yet again doubting my dedication to our friendship. So I reply to her comment as follows. My best friend Mary says: " I don't know? I've just always ...
Posted by Scarlett on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 03:24:00 PST


I really need to apologize to somepeople who may be experencing my social withdrawl. Whether it be my lack of enthusiam on the telephone or I've just been missing. I really am trying to fight it but ...
Posted by Scarlett on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:28:00 PST


I'm in an odd mood where I just need to blog. Whatever, I'm sure it'll pass. So this is the fourth day of listening to Queen non-stop. Its like some sick marathon that I'm inflicting on myself as well...
Posted by Scarlett on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 08:12:00 PST

In a Tizzy

I've been working on my Myspace account and twiddling with things and such but I've gotten like six messages from different people asking to read my blog or why they aren't on my top eight. I'm fixing...
Posted by Scarlett on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:31:00 PST

Holy shit!

I miss you guys! Everyone in New York is being terribly missed! The Brood I'm really sorry about my disapearing act, I'll try to be more active on-line and making calls and shit. 412 fucking emails ...
Posted by Scarlett on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 02:57:00 PST

Oh my ^_^

And  I cannot even begin to tell you all how good it is that I am able to use my own computer. Its wonderful. So yeah that really all that has happened. Oh that and I rode a motorcycle! but that'...
Posted by Scarlett on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 01:34:00 PST

holy shit

I am moving tommorow. I definently haven't packed everything yet. But it doesn't feel like I'm moving...just like I'm going away for a long while. I know that I'll have to come back and get more of my...
Posted by Scarlett on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 03:43:00 PST

Four days

I love moving. Its like another chance to start over. Well I will be leaving Sunday for Virginia. Its so insane that I have to pack up all my shit and get ready to leave. I am both sad and excited. I ...
Posted by Scarlett on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 06:29:00 PST


yes. I am dying. It makes no sense to me how I can be perfectly healthy one minute and then like an hour later not being able to breathe or eat and everytime I swallow (please take your minds out of t...
Posted by Scarlett on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 01:51:00 PST

Answer this BITCHES

Fill this out about me!!! **BUT FIRST** REPOST a blank copy to all ofyour friends (including me) so they can fill it out about you! Got it?BE HONEST! **YES or NO** ~~Am I ~~~ Ugly? :Kind? :Loud...
Posted by Scarlett on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 08:57:00 PST