Muay Thai, SuperMoto, MotoGP, Music, Good Movies, Mary and Jane. lol.. width="425" height="350" ....
I want to meet interesting people from anywhere in the world... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....:D
.. width="425" height="350" ....
Scarface, Pulp Fiction, True Romance, Goodfellahs, Casino, Resivour Dogs, Sin City, Deer Hunter, Bruce Almighty, Ace Ventura 1&2, Forest Gump, Natural Born Killers, The Incredibles, A Bigs Life, Finding Nemo, Full Metal Jacket, Trainspotting, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Lord of War, Ong Bak, Starsky and Hutch, The Royal Tenembalms, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, Hot Shots 1&2, Tom Yum Goon, Raging Bull, The Shawshank Redemption, The Crow, Dodgeball, Zoolander, A Clockwork Orange, American Beauty, The Green Mile, Me Myself and Irene, Apocalypse Now, The Butterfly Effect, Dumb and Dumber, Lock stock and two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Antz, Monsters Inc, Toy Stories, Ice Age 1&2, American Psycho, Shreck 1&2, City of God, Heat, The Fith Element, American History X, Saw 1&2......... blah blah blah
Mostly stuff i watch on TV is crap, i just watch it out of pure boredom. what a waste of time, lol
i like loads of books, mystical spiritual sorts of stuff but anything that makes my brain think is good.
Buakaw Por Pramuk .. width="425" height="350" ....Ramon Dekkers.. width="425" height="350" ....