Painting, playing guitar, exercising, learning, World Events, World Politics and waiting for Armeggedon.
People who take the time to see potential in all
Anything that has originality or true passion. T O O L, Rage Against The Machine, Led Zepplin, Soundgarden, Jimi Hendrix, Sade, Pink Floyd , Dj Quick , Collective Soul , (Early) Metallica, Megadeth, Sneaker Pimps, Total Devastation (Rap), Radiohead,Frou Frou, Cypress Hill, Marvin Gaye, Crystal Method, The Black Crowes, Stone Temple Pilots, Snoop Dog, Ice Cube, Marilyn Manson, Lamb, Smashing Pumpkins,Weird Al Yankovic, and 70's porn music (Ha).
Buffalo 66, Training Day, Raising Arizona, Warriors, Raging Bull, Sexy Beast, Golden Balls (Huevos De Oro), Young Frankenstein, Enemy Mine, Aliens, Body Count, Bar Fly, Scent of a Woman, Monster, Office Space, The Shining,One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest, Adams Family Values, Which Way Is Up, Scar Face, The Breakfast Club, Panama Deception (Documentary) and many more but I can't think of them now.
I change chanels alot, but I find myself watching Comedy Central (Daily Show, Stephen Colbert), Cartoon Network, Pbs, or Cnn. I can never get enough of " Jack Ass", "Scrubs","Morel Oral","DemocracyNow".Org,"Courage the Cowardly Dog" and, "Venture Bros". I like to laugh and cry as I watch the sell-out Whores on Cnn and Fox that spew Government Propoganda.
Anything that contributes to my growth as a human being.
Martin Luther King Jr, Marvin Gaye, Jesus, Amy Goodman, Barbara Lee, Maxin Waters,Gary Webb, Ralph Nader, Jeremy Scahill, Lucille Ball, Richard Pryor,Rod Sterling, my Dad, my Grandmother, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix and all those who struggle for what is right and just.