bands are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator
older Women. Kissing pretty, drunk Girls. Apple Juice. Passion. Drumming way to hard and fast. Girls in boy cut undies. Laughing yourself to sleep. Making out. Playing in the rain. new socks. Old navy pants. Trying to grow my hair out. Girls playing with my hair. making fart noises on someones tummy. (female) Movie nights. Trying to paint. Trying to draw. Trying to write music. Trying almost anything new. video game marathons. Loud music. (dont steal my shirt) Pony tails. chubby cheeks. falling asleep with someone. waking up to someone.
sex. . drugs.. . rock and roll lovers. parker posey and Ann Hathaway.
Jeff Buckley, tool, Q.o.t.s.a. , A.p.c. . Fake Echo, Stevie wonder, Far, S.t.p. , Pygmy love circus, Chris cornell, Spacehog, The mars volta, . ANYTHING DAVE GROHL HAS TOUCHED. Radiohead, phantom Planet, Nirvana , foo fighters, led zeppelin, talking heads , 7th standard, Resistor. Tomahawk, weezer, santa esmerelda, George Harrison, eric clapton, e.l.o. The yeah yeah yeahs , Mr. Bungle, Faith no more, Bjork, Incubus, Alien ant farm, Suicidal Tendencies. To name a few.
I love many movies. dramas, comedys, dramadeys. Snuff, porn, self help, child birth, sex ed, romance. ANYTHING JOHNNY DEPP HAS TOUCHED.
everything on t.v. makes me uncomfortable. except mxc.
I read like a child, harry potter. Rose Madder, and a few other books I stole from school. p3
Whoever invented tapatio. Anyone who actually read this far. Dave Grohl, Jimmy page, My Grandparents.