Maxx profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I try to make art. I try to improve my surrounding. I'd say I'm moderately successful. [ArtBlog]

My Interests

adventuring, anarchy, anime, bike polo, bikes, comic books, diy survival, dumpster diving, drawing, food not bombs, graffiti, movies, partying, reading, shoplifting, skateboarding, tao, walking, writing, zines.


instrumental, metal, industrial, hip-hop, punkA Silver Mt Zion Dead Prez Three Six Mafia The Coup 65daysofstatic Aesop Rock MC chris No More Against Me! AVAIL Defiance, Ohio Ghost Mice Saw Wheel 1905 Mass Movement of The Moth Tool Russian Cirlces Mogwai Skinny Puppy NIN


Life is more entertaining then television, if you're doing it right.


Quarter-Size Zines
"Good Shoes Ward Off Troubles" By Paul
"The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting"
"The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #2"
"The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #3"
"The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #4"
"The Perfect Mix Tape Segue #2"
"The Perfect Mix Tape Segue #4"
"Twinkle Pig #1"
"None Stop Adventure #one"
"Greeting From Athens, Ohio: Crimethinc. Convergence 2007"
"Arts and Crafts Revolution"
"Death Before Decaf" By Casey
"The Book of the Damned"
Half-Size Zines
"Beginners Guide To Responsible Sexuality (for men)"
"A Primitivist Primer" By John Moore
"Guerrilla Gardening: Beneath The Concrete"
"Insurrectionary Mutual Aid"
"The Anarchist Tension"
"Doris 24"
"Ideas in Pictures #2"
"Collective Liberation On My Mind"
"Heads Up Collective: US Social Forum June, 2007"
"Making Our Moms Sorry"
"Junk Pirate #14"
"Barefoot and in the kitchen: Volume Two"
"Smiling Disease"
"Fag Mag #3"
"Fucking DIY"
"Paper Cutter#3"
"We Are Everywhere"
"Perscription For Change: A Community Responce to Substance Use"
"Cabaret Voltaire Issue #1"
"2007 Crimethinc. Convergence: A User's Guide"
"Short Cuts #11"
"Short Cuts #12"
"Bicycle Love"
"Tricks of the Tradeless"
"The Capitalist System By Michael Bakunin"
"Against Prisons"
"Why Vegan?"
"Crimethinc. Workers Bulletin #47"
"Queers Bash Back"
"Don't Give Up"
"500 Years of Indigenous Resistance"
"Croatan Earth First!"
"Emotional Poverty #1"
"Adventures in the Land of Greasecars and Fireflies"
"DIY Guide 2"
"Twinkle Pig #2"
"Ranting Anarchy #1"
"SHT! Activity Book"
"Strong Hearts #1"
"Towards A Less Fucked Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle"
"Chord Easy"
"Chart Your Cycle!"
"Anarchist Survival Guide for Understanding Gestapo Swine Interrogation Mind Games"
"Stealing your Education at Columbia"
"Emotional Poverty #5"
"Practice Preceeds Form"
"Indy Revolt #2"
"Survival Without Rent"
"The Ghetto Garden"
"Ruff Sketch #3"
"The Police and You: A Relationship of Domination and How to Survive"
"Dear Motorist..."
"A Rough Guide to Bicycle Maintenance"
"The 'T' Word: Pass The Mission"
"Revolutionary Ecology"
"The Alarm #4"
"A Field Guide To Coal Barons, Their Politicians and Other Assorted Lackeys"
"With Heart in Mouth #3"
"Against Domestication"
"Anarchism, Marxism, and Hope for the Future"
"Community Bike Cart Design"
"Art Effects"
"If You Like Meat"
"Dropping Out (For Students)"
"Brew Not Bombs"
"The Deacons For Defence"
"Manufacturing Dissent"
8.5" x 7" Zines
"The Complete Soapmaker"
"Here Be Dragons #9"
"August Spies #1"
"Citizeen: How to Make Community"
"No State Solution"
"Reaching Through the Bars: A Prisoner Support Handbook" "See No, Speak No, Hear No"
"Axis of Evil Banquet"
Full-Size Zines
"Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Fact Sheet"
"Interveiws With Animal Liberation Front Activists"
"New Nuclear Reactors at Shearon Harris?"
"As Soon As You're Born They Make You Feel Small"
"The Appropriate #?"
"The Appropriate #?"
I will make copies of any of these zines for a donation or trade. The majority of the zines are 3rd generation+ copies. Packages will contain free stuff(stickers, posters, cds, flyers, etc), postage paid of course.
Message me your requests, offers, or just to talk zines.


DTV, KOC, PI, RT, Mom's. oneLove, fuck the drama!

My Blog

SURF collective meeting

Strand United Resistance Front will be having a meeting on SUNDAY the 10th at NOON next to the hockey rink in the airforce base. there will be a pirate flag! Preperations and Discussion for a Food N...
Posted by Maxx on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:42:00 PST

Apartment Paintings

.. ...
Posted by Maxx on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:22:00 PST

Check out this event: S.U.R.F. COLLECTIVE MEETING

Hosted By: Maxx When: Wednesday Jul 19, 2006 at 8:00 PMWhere: The Monkey Business704G Seaboard St.Myrtle Beach, SC 29588USDescription:Maxx Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Maxx on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 07:00:00 PST