Get Your Own Voice Player Manage Well here's a lil bit 'bout me my name is karla the homie's call me karlita, I guess cuze i'm the young one but ne-ways i love my friend's,But i adore my bitches. I am a happy person well kind of bitchy sometimes.... I work i'm very independent when it comes to doing something i like to do stuff on my own and yes i'am a very jelouse person.... and yes i am the kind of person that looks at you from top to bottom..But no i am not racist against anyone... well ne-way's i luv to go out clubing to different places i like to meet new people,and yes i like to drink my apple martinis,sexy on the beach,adios mothea fucker,long islands,agua ardiente,151...etc.. well ne-way's there is a person in my life who is more than just a cousin,a friend or whatever you whant to call her, she is the other half of my heart Denise....and then the other luv of my life marilow a.k.a maria joke).. They are like the best that can ever happen to me specialy my new little nephew Angel... well my bgf= best guy friend is meme,he's been there 4 me good and bad..he is also the only guy i trust on and watever guy i'm with he knows about or they know about him most likely both.. PS. I like to dance and drink 4 fun.....and i'm not here to find a boyfriend just friends and all you stupid people if you have nothing good to say fuck you and get out of my page.....I'M THE QUEEN love layout @ HOT