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About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Lisa (which you probably already guessed by looking at my display name, lol). I have spent the last two years in a very unhappy place and started to read intuitive books, meditating, and exercising as a way to help me find some comfort....and maybe even some answers. It was through this process that I became more in touch with my intuitive self and started to feel a little more "sensitive" each day. I have recently got to a point where I have discovered my clairaudient abilities. For those of you who don't know what that means here is the dictionary definition"the power to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity, as the voices of the dead."My own definition would be "I hear voices of spirits who are not in human form." It was kind of funny to me. I went from being a person who couldn't meditate (or sit in silence for that matter) to hearing spirits on the other side, lol. Now, to some, this would be scary, but I found comfort in it. See I had recently lost people that were close to me and discovering this ability enabled me to continue having conversations with them which helped me with the mourning process. I still miss the physicalities of "touch" but I mourn much less knowing that I can still talk with them.Weeeeeell it seems that I wasn't the only one to realize my new found abilities because soon after, I started getting message after message after message from spirits that i DIDN'T know, lol. Once they figured out that I could hear them they aaaaaaall came calling my name in hopes that I would get messages out that they so desperately wanted their loved one's to hear. Sooooooo me being the person I am, said suuuuuuuuuuure! Why not?!?! Now, I have posted the messages that I have received in my blog section. I try to date when I receive them and ask each spirit for their name and the name of the person they want to contact to try and provide as much detail as possible. Keep in mind that I cannot control what they say. That part is totally up to them. So, if you are not comfortable with hearing EVERYTHING that "they" might have to say, than I would advice you NOT to read the messages. Don't get me wrong, if the messages are just hurtful and mean spirited then I won't repeat them anyways. This site's purpose is to help heal soooo placing negative messages would not be productive. However, this doesn't mean that "they" might say things that you don't want to hear. So ask yourself "Are you ready to hear anything and everything that they want to say?". My hope is that each and every message gets seen by the person that it is meant for, but not at the risk of upsetting anyone. So, just please make sure your ready for this step before reading the messages. I am counting on all of you to help spread the word! This means, the more of you that "pass this site on" to your friends and family the better chance those loved one's have of receiving their messages. Since I know first hand how hard it is to have lost people that I love, I have HUGE compassion and empathy for others who are also hurting due to the same thing. Oh, and if you want to be kept up to date with the "messages" in my blog section (meaning you want to know when I post new ones) then request to be a friend. That way you will receive a "new message" bulletin everytime I update that section. Also, I am currently offering half an hour readings. Sooooo if you are interested in getting a reading then "message" me with your info (name, telephone number, how you heard of me, and what your availability is) and I will get back to you soon! On that note, I will surrender and know that I have done my best with the information that I have been given. I appreciate all of you for stopping by and truly hope that all of you have a WONDERFUL daaaaaaaaaaay! ;)
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My Interests

Communicating with others in a heart felt sincere way. Picking the brains of other people (and myself) to see what we think and why. Helping others, meditating to reach my higher self, muscle toning, reading, journaling, singing, creating art pieces with paints, photography, computer graphics, and charcoal. Watching movies and t.v., Oh (I can't believe that I almost forgot) EATING and COOKING!!!! I luvs my food!!! *lol* ;)

I'd like to meet:

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Lisa Williams "Life Among the Dead", John Edward "Crossing Over", The Medium, Eli Stone, The Journeyman, (at the risk of encouraging this new epidemic of reality t.v.) Americas Best Psychic, and sooooooooo much more.....I truly am a tv junkie, its kinda embarassing, lol.


Are You Psychic?, Ask Your Guides, You Can Heal Your Life, Don't Kiss Them Goodbye, Opening To Channel, Healing Yourself With Light, Everything Happens for a Reason, The Psychic Workshop, The Gift, The Lightworkers Way. I do read other types of books also. I am just keeping the focus on spiritual readings since this page has a spiritual focus. Feel free to recommend any additional books that you have enjoyed. I am always down for a good read! ;)


All of my friends, family, guides, angels, runners, and helpers who have supported me on this journey. I am sooooooo fortunate to have been surrounded by so many like minded/hearted/spirited beings! I don't know if I could of gotten here without you! Words cannot even begin to express my love for all of you. To put it simply, you have my heart.....

My Blog

Messages 5-19-08

WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don't post mean spirited messages but th...
Posted by lisaslistening on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:26:00 PST

Messages 5-18-08

WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don't post mean spirited messages but th...
Posted by lisaslistening on Mon, 19 May 2008 10:42:00 PST

Messages March 26, 2008

WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spirited messages ...
Posted by lisaslistening on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:23:00 PST

Messages March 24, 2008

WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spirited messages ...
Posted by lisaslistening on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:06:00 PST

Messages March 18, 2008

WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spirited messages ...
Posted by lisaslistening on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 06:12:00 PST

messages March 17, 2008

  WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spirited me...
Posted by lisaslistening on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 04:01:00 PST

messages March 14, 2008

WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spirited messages ...
Posted by lisaslistening on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 03:08:00 PST

messages March 12, 2008

    WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spir...
Posted by lisaslistening on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:35:00 PST

messages March 2, 2008

    WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spi...
Posted by lisaslistening on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:40:00 PST

messages February 29, 2008

  WELCOME!!! I have two quick things to say before you read on: First, please be sure you want to hear everything before reading the messages. As I said before I don’t post mean spirited me...
Posted by lisaslistening on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:38:00 PST