About Me
Joe Quesada has been the editor in chief of Marvel Comics since 2000, guiding the company to an undeniably strong performance level in the marketplace while at the same time instilling an excitement and buzz that had been lacking during in years. A native New Yorker, Quesada came to prominence during the early 1990s at DC Comics. Later in the decade, he co-founded Event Comics with partner Jimmy Palmiotti, introducing a set of original characters that included the firefighting hero Ash and Painkiller Jane. By 1998, Quesada’s reputation as both a talented artist and respected publisher led to the founding of the groundbreaking Marvel Knights imprint at Marvel Comics. The bold project featured four debut titles – with Quesada himself illustrating the flagship book, Daredevil. Marvel Knights’ stunning critical and sales success led to Quesada’s appointment as editor in chief. In addition to overseeing Marvel’s creative output, Quesada remains an active and vital writer and artist in the industry, with projects including the Daredevil: Father limited series and the Spider-Man: One More Day crossover event.