The desire to return to waves and warm water
. . . . . AIM "Johnprolly"
Prolly is not Probably
Since Again
We Should Do It All
Look Here Kid
The Desire to Create Potent Spaces:
NORTH CAROLINA | shoes | hats | rooftops | goodbeer | badbeer | sweating | surfing | boards | trackbikes | photobooths | tacos | thesouth | beaches | sunblock |sunburn | minimaldiscourse | architecture | plywood | booboard | exposedsteel | oldbrick |kidrobot | brooklyn |belgianales | graphicdesign | orange | holland | olddrawings | 3drenderings | blackpowdercoating |
I already got my dub-press girl...
Off-shore winds and chest-head conditions...
Graphic Inspiration....
jesu | isis | skream | atthegates | dimmuborgir | dropthelime | star eyes | torche | betweentheburiedandme | fujiyaandmiyagi | zeppelin | projectpat | sunn0))) | boris | dabrye | tvontheradio | grandnational | bbcsoundsystem | djrupture | dubstep | 4x4 | ragga | reggae | metal | hardcore | grime | noise |
pedal | shelter | alien(s) | shining | unkownwhitemale | themachinest | pi | 2001spaceodyssey | evildead(1,2) | theylive | ichithekiller | yeahright
southpark | lawandorder | discoverychannel | modernmarvels
smlxl | scanning | content | mutations | deliriousnewyork | eventcities | thefallandthestorm | elementaryparticles | platform | 1984 | instrumentalform | jpg | flatland | mould
friends | family | my girl | delta | thommayne | petersutherland | remkoolhaas | hitchcock | kubrick |