Ralphie "Magic" Balboa profile picture

Ralphie "Magic" Balboa

prairie dogs

About Me

"I never drive faster than I can see and after that it's all in the reflexes"-Jack Burton

My Interests

Coffee, playin' the gits, philosophy, playing with the cats at Petco and then sneezing until my eyes bleed (allergic), Ponir Mahkani, punk rock, records, coffee.


Newtown Neurotics, Stiff Little Fingers, The Jam, The Clash, Billy Bragg, Bouncing Souls, Armedalite Rifles, Sticks and Stones, Plow United, Stolen Music Imprint, off w/ their heads, basement black, Despot, Conflict, Tears for Fears, Hall & Oates...but mostly Oates


Say Anything, Seven Samurai, Ikiru, Stranger than Paradise, Big Trouble in Little China, Miyazaki, Better off Dead, mystery train, Pretty in Pink


Curb, State, Kids in the Hall,


Bernard Williams, Charles Taylor, Nietzsche, Dawkins, Dennett, Farrell, Proust, Merrill, Mann


Fred Rogers, but that's mr. to you