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I am here for Friends

About Me

There are two ways to look at everything: a deep way and the real way. -EI Not much to say here. College is fun, 3 am conversations and afternoon naps go together well, caramel-filled Kisses rock any time of day, and landing primo still bites. Big time. But life is good. Write me and have a good day.

My Interests

photography, ultimate frisbee, music, chocolate, and calvin and hobbes. in that order.


EternalSunshine FightClub MontyPythonandtheHolyGrail Shrek Ocean'sEleven DyingToLive TheCorporation TheBourneIdentity/Supremacy PulpFiction RunLolaRun MarsAttacks MyseteryScienceTheatre3000 NapoleonDynamite


MCEscher AnselAdams Rodchenko Beck BillWatterson MichelGondry RodneyMullen MarkfromFARC JGrantBrittain Beethoven DavidSedaris AtibaJefferson TheBeatles MichaelMoore CarrollShelby EdgarDegas DannyWay RichardAvedon CharlieKaufman