Robbie profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I give in - I'm now also on Facebook I'm just like the boy next door if he's a queer feminist trans guy. I enjoy meeting new people, organizing socials for progressive folks in Boston and playing Scrabble and Frisbee with friends.

"My Perfect Sunday"
I'm self-amusing (and easily amused!). Consider myself a realist, ie. glass is half empty if you're drinking and half full if you're pouring. This is especially relevant if it's a Grey Goose dirty martini we're talking about!
My friends say I'm funny and reliable - and call me adorkable - and I don't disagree.
I get really into my job as an event planner and probably work too much. I love my friends and still talk to most of my exes.
You may have already figured out that you wouldn't remember me as Robbie from high school. Yep, I'm trans. Don't let that stop you from saying hi!
Ok, so I finally know what time I was born - so I decided to find out what my moon & rising signs are. Not sure what it all means, but what I just read fit like a glove. So for all you aspiring astrologers out there - here's another hint towards figuring out the mystery of Robbie:
Sun Sign: Virgo
Sun 23° Virgo 27'
Moon Sign: Libra
Moon 1° Libra 50'
Rising Sign: Sagittarius
Ascendant 12° Sagittarius 06' Get your astro stats

My Interests

"From this day forward, I promise never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women, sexual assault and domestic violence"

This is 'so just' what Boston needs!

I'd like to meet:

Fired up? Fired up! Ready to go? Ready to go!

Barack Obama's speech at MLK's church:

Socializing for Justice

Putting the SOCIAL
back in social justice

Join now to get invited to our next event!
SoJust is all about building a progressive cross-issue community. We're doing it by putting the SOCIAL back in SOCIAL JUSTICE.
Become a SoJust MySpace friend! and I'd love to meet fellow...


event planning, logistics, HIV/AIDS awareness and education, AIDS, Mass Red Ribbon Ride, charities, non-profits, fundraising, puzzles, cycling, activism, Queer community, transgender, gender, genderqueer, Scrabble, learning and discussing postmodern theory and feminism, queer theory, masculinity & feminism, transfeminism, feminism, racial justice, anti-racism, social justice, NOMAS, National Organization for Men Against Sexism, Creating Change conference, getting together with other progressives in Boston and beyond - Socializing for JusticeNPR, Democracy Now, Car Talk, This American Life, Kelly Clarkson, Melissa Etheridge, Indigo Girls, Antigone Rising, Booty Vortex - my favorite 14-piece retro disco funk band!


When Harry met Sally, Boys on the Side, Supersize Me (fries anyone?), GI Jane


Grey's Anatomy, American Idol, L Word on DVD marathons, Queer as Folk on DVD marathons, Friends on DVD marathons, CSI-type shows, Ellen, Smallville


Queer Theory, Gender Theory by Riki Wilchins - an instant primer - read it!!, Brazen Women Queering Feminity, What Makes a Man - Rebecca Walker (excellent anthologies!), Word Freak, Fast Food Nation, Stone Butch Blues - Leslie Feinberg, She's Not There - Jennifer Finney Boylan, The Leather Daddy & The Femme - Carol Queen, The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav, To Believe in Women - Lillian Faderman, Stonewall - Martin Duberman (the first queer book I read), Another Mother Tongue - Judy Grahn, Nickel and Dimed: Barbara Erinreich, anything by Ivan E. Coyote, Michael Moore, Amy Goodman or Molly Ivins


People that donate to LGBT & HIV/AIDS non-profits are heroes - those that work for the non-profits must be angels! Learn more about GLAD's upcoming events!

My Blog

Celebrate at GLADs Winter Party

Celebrate at GLAD's Winter Party!30 Years of Making History and Changing LivesSunday, March 9, 2008 from 4:00pm - 7:00pmHosted by: Gay & Lesbian Advocates & DefendersNOTE: TICKETS MUST BE PURC...
Posted by Robbie on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:31:00 PST

Sachem "reunion" - 15 years later!

Just wanted to write a quick note thanking everyone who came out on Sunday night.  It was even better than I had thought it would be - and great to catch up with old friends from junior high and ...
Posted by Robbie on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 12:18:00 PST

Governor Patrick signed the Buffer Zone Bill

I'm so glad this was signed and grateful to have Deval Patrick as a governor.  While this is good news it's still true that many women don't have a "choice" because they lack the funds to get the...
Posted by Robbie on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:33:00 PST

Another Republican Gay Sex Scandal

Ok, truth is that this is really sad.  Even though we've come so far and gays can even marry  in MA - homophobia is still running rampant and keeping people from living honestly. On a side n...
Posted by Robbie on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 07:33:00 PST

"black people are less intelligent than whites"

Did the subject of this blog get you steaming mad?  yeah, it should have.  This is such racist bullshit - in the guise of science - by a (formerly) well respected Nobel prize winner. LON...
Posted by Robbie on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:36:00 PST

Lesbians sentenced for self-defense (NJ4)

This is outrageous! Media coverage of this case has been horrid - even the gay press!  This is why we must all work together to fight the matrix of domination. Learn more at: www.myspace.c...
Posted by Robbie on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 11:24:00 PST

Men Lead Drive to Support DV Shelters

Men Lead Drive toSupport Survivors of Domestic Violence Supply Drive was a success! On Saturday, October 13th, the Boston chapter of the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS-Boston) w...
Posted by Robbie on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:09:00 PST

Why Men Should Be Included in Abortion Discussion

Why Men Should Be Included in Abortion Discussion By Courtney E. Martin Thursday 06 September 2007 Locking men out of conversations about abortion often comes at a great expense.  ...
Posted by Robbie on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 07:22:00 PST

Please sign NAACP Petition for the Jena 6

Posted by Robbie on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 04:28:00 PST

"How to Destroy an African-American City in 33 Steps "

reposted from "Sara AKA"...article by Bill Quigley - "How to Destroy an African-American City in 33 Steps" my role model and hero, bill quigley, one of the best poverty lawyers in the country, recent...
Posted by Robbie on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 09:07:00 PST