Bobby profile picture


Yeah, I'm famous. Get over it.

About Me

Well, I'm Bobby. That's pretty much the only thing you really need to know about me. Why, you may ask.Well, being Bobby is like being the most amazing person alive. And since I am my very own self-proclaimed most amazing person alive, it just figures that my name is Bobby.I used to work for Disney. Did a lot of amazing things there. Now I'm working on my performing career. I sing. I act. I (pretend) to dance. And I'm pretty good about putting a smile on a person's face.And I aparrently look like Tommy Pickles from Rugrats. If he were human. And had hair. And was in his late teens. Even though I'm almost 22.

My Interests

"Romeo and Juliet" from Reefer Madness
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I'd like to meet:

Bill Cosby. That man's a genius!


"Cry Without a Reason"My Showcase song at AMDA. The best performance I gave of it that weekend... For those of you who don't know the story, I lost my voice and almost didn't get to perform. I had to get steroids to make it so I could sing/talk for the weekend. I'd say I'm about 85% of what I rehearsed here, but I'm glad I at least got to sing it!


"Nothing To Do With Love" from Personals.My comedic number in the showcase. Jason Brown, Miranda Parker, Marie Halpin, and Bobby Traversa.


MyHeritage : Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph


MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Family tree template - Pedigree

My Blog

Happy Holiday to ALL my friends.

I got this from my Reefer Slut lover Terri (also known as Sally who got me naked nightly in the show).   I know I can be a shitty friend... a LOT of the time. This is to hopefully make up for it ...
Posted by Bobby on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:13:00 PST