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Welcome To Creame' DaLa Creame' Vixen - we showcase the Thickest, Baddest, Voluptuous women across the WORLD & we want you!!!!
Creame' DaLa Creame' Vixen is looking for models who posess versatility as well as sexiness but more importantly, class! We are now recruiting for the following:
Creame' DaLa Creame' Vixen On-Line Magazine-Sept.08
Creame' DaLa Creame' Vixen 2009 Calendar
So if you know your worth, not afraid to strut your shit & you believe in yourself.... I dare you to become a part of the revolution that is going to change the game ONCE & FOR ALL!!!!!! Creame' Dala Creame' Vixen.
So Ladies - send your pictures along with a brief description of yourself (please include your stats, dress size, measurements, height & weight & contact information) to [email protected]. Attn: Ladi Mahogany-Da Foxx. When addressing please put in the subject line "I want to be a Creame'DaLa Creame Vixen & I will get back to you ASAP!!!!!
Thank you soo much - SEE YOU AT THE TOP!!!!
Ladi Mahogany-Da Foxx
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Electric Heart MySpace Layouts