Books, Massages,Knowledge, Spirituality, Shoes, Dining out, Occasional BOOB TUBE, Puppies,Shoes, Running, Wine, Martinis, Diamonds oh yeah and shoes....
i love all my friends equally.. therefore, i placed my top friends in ABC order... he he.. This Layout Made by Kristee
music is food for my soul :)
NOTEBOOK, Break up, Derailed, LOTR, Matrix, Good Fellas, blow, Wall Street, Backdraft, Ladder 49, Forest Gump, Sling Blade,Finding Nemo, Lilo and Stitch, Alice in Wonderland, Bambi, Cinderella (most disney movies).. Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Sweetest Thing, 50 first dates, Anger Management, The ring, Crash, Moulin Rouge, Wedding Singer and there's many more. to be continued, I'm a movie junky...
Sex and The City, King of Queens, Despereate Housewives, Seinfeld, The Family Guy, Big Brother,Will and Grace, Oprah and I have to give a shout out to my TiVo it always suprises me!! Oh yes, and thanks to Allen Nip Tuck
Love my Law and Accounting books!!! The Cocker Spaniel Book, The Firefighter's Wife, I'm in love with a firefighter, the five people you meet in heaven, meditation books and now Rachael Ray cookbooks :D I plan on being a good cook :)
my everyday hero Alex :)