Wow.. I thought I was the only one who had these visions
So uh.. wanna know a lil' somethin' about me eh? I guess you could say i'm somewhat like a pitbull. I can be caring and gentle to those I love or I can be a rampaging beast to those who would mean to do harm. I also have a keen sense of smell, short hair, a strong mandible and proud firm buttocks. I wipe my sweet behind with sheet metal and floss with barbed wire. My diet consists of a steady gorging of wizards, midget ninjas, and Dodo eggs. I have several leather bound books and have also been told that my room smells of mohogany. This I would not know for I can smell only three things: Trouble, success, and fear.
Everyone loves me! And if you don't love me.. well then, you sir or miss.. are a robot... or possibly a member of the undead.. except vampires.. they wish they could suckle on my s-s-s-sweeeet blood.