Reism profile picture


Gigging Again!

About Me

Reism's songs focus on the darker side of life. They're primarily about the betrayals and cruelty of love that mankind inflicts against its own.
In 2003 Tom and ex-drummer Joe began working together on the idea that would become Reism, and after a year of developing their sound, Kirsten joined and Reism became a reality. Blending influences as diverse as Nine inch Nails, Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, and Soilwork, The interplay of live and electronic instrumentation works perfectly, as it blends and shifts between the two genres creatively, satisfying fans of both successfully.
After releasing their debut album "Lifestyle Product" in 2005 the band have been working tirelessly to produce and perform their music. Reism have been building a strong fan base all over the world, and been performing not only in Liverpool, but throughout the UK and in Norway as well.
Currently Reism are finishing off their new E.P. which should be released in March 2008. This shows a real progression as the band have come into their own and defined their niche.


“Tight as the screws in Frankenstein’s neck. Somewhere slightly similar to Evanescence in line up and Within Temptation for theatrics, Reism have something that most others bands don't, they're intriguing.” AJJ Friday 7th Dec
“The interplay of live and electronic instrumentation works perfectly, it blends and shifts between the two genres creatively…It's dark, it's sexy, with an energetic thirst that keeps you engaged. This isn't background music. This is brilliantly sequenced, moody and dynamic." Sarah Angell Devolution Magazine 15 Christmas 07
“Excellent production work! A big sound that offers clarity and challenges along with very simple musical hooks. Hard to pull off but you guys succeed.” Taxi A&R ID 216
“The vocals of Kirsten are strong, striking, and downright sexy. Her performances on these songs, for me, helps to sell the ideas...Your band has a keen sense of structure, and a strong use of melody...You guys have the vocals (!) structure, use of melody down. Period.” Taxi A&R ID 169
“Excellent …with some spine-tingling moments. Highlights include the excellent choruses…competent and interesting heavy detuned guitar chord voicings and some excellent vocals from Kirsten Jørgensen. It's certainly worth a listen.” John Harris Sound On Sound magazine March 2005

The name Reism comes from the term Reification, which means "the regarding of an abstract concept as a concrete object." The music of Reism is a fusion of gothic, industrial, and electronic rock- Rocktronica. The combination of heavy guitar riffs, live electronic drums, dirty synths, and soaring vocals make for an interesting and complex musical experience.

Reism: Lifestyle Product is now available to buy online at the Reism Shop. The full length, unsigned debut contains 11 tracks for your tormented soul. For more information, check out or sign up for the Reism newsletter.

Feedback and questions are always welcome, let the band know what you think!

More Reism Videos:

Blinding Myself Music Video
What I See Promo

My Interests


Member Since: 10/27/2005
Band Members:
Steal This Banner!


Kirsten Jørgensen

Tom Poole-Kerr
(Guitars, Programming, Production)

Jay Smith
(Live Guitar)

Kev Bayley
(Live Drums)

Nine Inch Nails, Lacuna Coil, Katatonia, Linkin Park, and anyone who's ever pissed us off.
Sounds Like:

you need to check out some Reism videos!

Visit the REISM Video Page for more!

"Nothing To Lose" Live in Wakefield

Something Useful 3 Music Video

Record Label: Unsigned!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Mercury Flux 9FEB

Hey all!Just wanted to say a great big thank you to all of you who came down to the Mercury Flux last weekend. Tried to post a blog last Sunday but Myspace was being poo. Also want to say that we real...
Posted by Reism on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:09:00 PST

New song posted!

hello allJust posted a new song "Make Me Feel" it's still a work in progress, but we were too excited to keep it hidden from you any longer :DIt will feature on our forthcoming EP, on which only recor...
Posted by Reism on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 06:31:00 PST


Hey guys n galsthanks to all of you for coming down last night we had a great time! And I think we made a Wednesday night feel like a Friday! Hope to see you again soon, We'll keep you all posted on o...
Posted by Reism on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 01:22:00 PST

Snooty Fox Wakefield

Hey all!Thanx to all of you who came down to the Snooty Fox last night. We had a blast playing and having a little chat with ya all after. That Black Mass stuff is dangerous indeed ;D We'll be putting...
Posted by Reism on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 08:26:00 PST

Bolton Alma Inn

Hey guys n gals!Just letting you know we'll be playing in Bolton next week (friday 16th) at the Alma Inn, with Abigail's Mercy and it'd be great to see you there :DLoveREISM
Posted by Reism on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 01:23:00 PST

Support Act Wanted

Hey all! We have a gig at the SnootyFox in Wakefield and we need another support band for the show, so contact us if you'd like the slot.REISM
Posted by Reism on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:39:00 PST

New Reism member!

Hey all!We have got some news for you. Audun is sadly leaving us and we will miss him greatly. Even so, the show must go on and we've been so lucky as to a secure ourselves a brilliant new guitarist a...
Posted by Reism on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:52:00 PST

Scruffy Murphy’s

'Ellau!Just wanted to tell you all that we had a great time at Scruffy Murphy's in Birmingham last nite. :D Thank you to all who came down and showed your support. Kev did a super job too and his kne...
Posted by Reism on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 12:48:00 PST

Kevins knee!

Hey all!Some good news at last. It seems that Kev's injury isn't as bad as we first thought and that he'll be able to start playing again soon. It's still pretty bad, but at least there's not a seriou...
Posted by Reism on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 02:50:00 PST


Dear AllUnfortunately we have to pull out of the Zombie Fest night at the Magnet in Liverpool. Kev has fractured his leg and is suffering with a splint after a parkour accident.So our deepest appologi...
Posted by Reism on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 08:49:00 PST