Werewolves, Books, Comics(Conan, Punisher, Wolverine etc.), Movies(specially horror), Games like Alone In The Dark, Baldur's Gate, Champions of Norrath, Neverwinter Nights, Resident Evil(Biohazard) and Silent Hill, Music and many more things.
Lemmy Kilmister, Glenn Danzig, James Hetfield and Josh Homme; four persons that I respect most in music. Candice Night(no other human being can have such a comforting and gentle voice).
Mostly punk rock, rock and metal based but also something lighter. Some of my favourite artists and bands are .357 String Band, Beastie Boys, Blackmore's Night, Cathedral, The Clash, Cock Sparrer, Cult, D.A.D., Danzig, Death From Above 1979, Demented Are Go, Depeche Mode, The Easybeats, Elvis, Ennio Morricone, Entombed, Frank Black, Hank III, Heavy Trash, Helmet, Isebel's Pain, The Krewmen, Mana Mana, Metallica, The Meteors, The Misfits, Motörhead, Nancy Sinatra, Nekromantix, Nomeansno, Pentagram, Pixies, Psychoplasma, Queens of the Stone Age, Ramones, Samhain and The Smiths. I myself play bass in To/Die/For(www.todieforlove.com).
Evil Dead 2, Hellraiser, Omen, Dark Water(the original japanese version) etc. Yojimbo, Seven Samurai and Throne of Blood from Akira Kurosawa are simply fantastic.
Silmarillion, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Miyamoto Musashi, almost everything from H.P. Lovecraft and Clive Barker.
Conan the Barbarian, Solomon Kane, Frank Castle, Logan, Hughes de Payen, Simo Häyhä.