Well a lot of things interest me, for example, Girls Girls Girls and their distinctive scents. i would like to do some research on them and admire them in their natural habitat. I have seen quite a lot of fine Specimens in my day. seriously i like to do anything and everything, specially outdoors, i will try anything twice...
What Combat Weaponry Are You?
M-134 "Mini-Gun"
A true brute, you have a "presence" every where you go. You can take on any opponent with little effort, your dependable and your reputation does the talking.
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The great things Mom taught me:My mother taught me RELIGION -
"Ay Bendito, pÃdele a Dios qué yo no te agarre, cabron."My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION -
"No mas deja qué lleguemos a la casa, huerco fregado!"My Mother taught me about my ROOTS -
"Mal agradecido, cuando yo era chiquita, no teniamos ni
Playstation ni Nada!"My mother taught me LOGIC -
"Como que por qué? Porque YO digo!"My mother taught me about INSPIRATION -
"Si llegas con malas calificaciones, te voy a dar con la
chancla, huerco flojo"(And my favorite...)My Mother taught me about WISDOM-
"Tu crees qué sabes todo, verdad? Aprende a limpiarte
la cola primero!"
Well like i said before i am a nudist, wait i forgot to say that, oh well, i like to party naked and would like to meet a girl with the same interests, specially a naked cook girl, that would complete me...hahaha.
I like all kinds of music from Northern Mexican Music to the very Hip Hop kind, sometime i even listen to the birds sing outside my window, some of them suck though...
I enjoy Comedy of course, but i can watch anything but i must warn you i cry at dramatic movies, and jump at scary movies i need a girl by my side so that she can hold me when the monster comes out of the movie...
I am a good surfer, but sometimes i freeze the channel wave to take a break in what ever it is that catches my attention, but again, Comedy comes first...then music videos.
not much of a reader but i do own a couple of books, to include a Bible...
There are a lot of Heroes in this world, therefore i take a lil bit from each one and try to apply it to my life, so i dont have a specific heroe, but my mom would be at the top...