Music, prevention health, entrepreneurial endeavors, Texas Hold 'em, Books
BoomBox Fans!!! Fishermen Fans!!! And anyone interested the underground music scene in Austin and beyond.
Get your own countdown at,, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Elliot Smith, Dave Matthews, G. Love, Gnarles, Fat Boy Slims, Counting Crows, Paul Simon, James Taylor, Crosby Stills and Nash, AC/DC, Old G N' R, David Grey, AllRise,Pseudopod, Justin Farren,the Fishermen, Reese Weil, and of course, the Bicycling Mariachis
Good Will Hunting, Garden State, Office Space, Swingers, JFK, Rounders, Million Dollar Baby, Finding Neverland, Crash, Groundhog Day, Cool Hand Luke, the Graduate (hated Rumor Has It), the Godfather, Pirates of the Carribean, Rodger and Me, Farenheit 911, Love Actually, Woody Allen movies
Seinfeld, Daily Show, Corbert Report
Brave New Word, the Republic, Tibetan Book, Siddhartha, Spirituality of Imperfection, the Buddha, Collective Works of Langston Hughes, the Alchemist, the Happiness Hypothesis, Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Frank Lloyd Wright, Howard Hughes, Dave Matthews, Dr. Martin Luther King, Martin Luther, Ben Franklin, Bob Marley, Zach Braff, John Stewart, Phil Ivey,