Music right now is driving me forward! I still love animation and video-games too but I am capable of expressing myself so deeply through audio and I hope to realease something to the public soon. The biggest thing in my life at the moment though is Chantal, my best friend and my girl friend!
I have already met a woman who loves me for who I am and respects my views and can be both a best friend as well and my lover (Chantal of course) so I guess I want to meet evryone else so I can say hello.I have of recent come to learn what love really is. It's more than a desire, more than an obsession, more than a passion. I once thought love was an infactuation and I believed I had loved before, however I now see love is so much more. It's an unbreakable connection were you can laugh, cry, weep, shout, smile and breath at the same time in the same fleeting moment. It is where you can instantly feel a shift in the others mood without being anywhere near them and without speaking to them. It's the wish to share everything with them from good times and bad. It's the want to protect them from even the most insignificant grain of dirt to inflicted pain. Love is every emotion in one presented all at once. This Mosaic is what drives us as humans, the need and desire to feel everything at once. Chantal is my everything!
I keep thinking too far ahead and am currently creating songs for 3 seperate Albums. The first is a mixtape Album, the second is the fist official Album and the next is a song that features songs such as Death Threats and doing now that don't fit into the layout of the second. My voice isn't the greatest (which is why I am also writing songs for my mate Reece) but I'm still going to give it my all!
Cult movies suit me perfectly: The Butterfly Effect, Fight Club, Momento, Crash etc...I also like Spirited Away and other animated movies. Kung-fu Panda was awsome!
I only really watch the telly for movies these days and programmes like Spicks and speaks, Gruen Transfer and other laugh your arse off programmes.
The Rangers Apprentice and the Inheritance series are currently at war to be my favourite books.
I don't have any heroes however I do have many inspirations in life. Mostly my friends that have always had my back, and even through hard times they have stayed such good mates. Yes some have wavered just like I waver from time to time but I hold all my friends dear to my heart! Next would be all the great musicians who set an extremely high benchmark for me to accomplish, they all keep me fighting. I'm also inspired by people who hate me and diss me because in the end I continue to prove them wrong and keep getting further in life each step and every turn I take!